It's cold! It was 38 on Red's walk this morning. There was actual ice in the grass. It's been raining so there was water in the water retention and it was frozen. Not thick slippery ice, thin crunchy ice. I told Connor to go down there and step on it. He wouldn't. He got close but the grass was also frozen, which freaked him out. So I had him hold Red's leash and I went down and crunched some ice to show him it wasn't scary. It didn't work.
So I had to bring Red down there and hold his hand while he carefully put his little shoe on the edge of the ice and CRUNCH! He thought that was pretty cool. He talked about it for the rest of the walk.
"Imagine if rain was frozen! That would be so cool!"
"You know what frozen rain is called?"
My poor little Arizona boy.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
New couches!!
I had a day like that today. It started with the zoo. You know you are going to be tired when you say your day "started" with going to the zoo.
I met my sister in law and her kids there. So three hours at the zoo with 4 kids and my sister in law. Then McDonalds with everyone. Which by the end of McDonalds I was ready for the rubber room.
Connor wanted my nephew to come over, which I said was fine. A few hours of two boys in front of the Wii doesn't bother anyone.
When I got home Larry asked me if I wanted to go to Costco and pick up the couches we saw there yesterday. YES! So off to Costco we go. The Costco by our house only had the love seat and not the couch. So we got that, went home and dropped it off, and then went to another Costco that did have the couch in stock.
Then we called my brother in law to
A. help us bring the couches inside and
B. pick up my nephew.
While we waited we loaded up the van and truck with the old couch. My brother in law showed up and helped Larry bring in the couches while I smooched on their baby.
A stop at Good Will to drop off the old couch and then off to dinner.
Home to rearrange the new couches about 15 times to decide that we liked them best the way they were originally. Finally, can I sit down on my new couch? Really? Cause I'm beat!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Merry Christmas
It totally didn't feel like Christmas this year. Too busy I guess. This is the first year in a while that I didn't want to take the tree down on Christmas night. Here is it the day after Christmas and I still don't feel like taking it down.
I've also discovered the purpose of Legos. This is something that has always been lost on me, but Maddy needed help putting together her Harry Potter Lego Game so I went up there to help her. It was kinda fun.
Anywho... Here is my annual Christmas Gift List.
Laptop (typing on it right now!)
3 bottles of wine
a wine trivia game
a book about wine
a wine bottle decoration thingy (it's cute)
wine glasses
a book to keep notes about what I think of different wines ("wine stuff" was on my list)
House season 1
Desperate Housewives season 6
Ruby earrings, necklace, and a ring
Epic Mickey (Wii game)
A shirt
Tealight lanterns
Vegetable steamer
Money (I'm not saying how much :))
Winter Hat
Crap... I'm sure there is more, but that is all I can think of right now. Pretty crazy huh?
How was your Christmas?
I've also discovered the purpose of Legos. This is something that has always been lost on me, but Maddy needed help putting together her Harry Potter Lego Game so I went up there to help her. It was kinda fun.
Anywho... Here is my annual Christmas Gift List.
Laptop (typing on it right now!)
3 bottles of wine
a wine trivia game
a book about wine
a wine bottle decoration thingy (it's cute)
wine glasses
a book to keep notes about what I think of different wines ("wine stuff" was on my list)
House season 1
Desperate Housewives season 6
Ruby earrings, necklace, and a ring
Epic Mickey (Wii game)
A shirt
Tealight lanterns
Vegetable steamer
Money (I'm not saying how much :))
Winter Hat
Crap... I'm sure there is more, but that is all I can think of right now. Pretty crazy huh?
How was your Christmas?
Friday, December 24, 2010
Drama in the cul-de-sac
I should probably tell you about my dads trip. He stayed with us for a couple of days. It was nice. The kids had a blast having grandpa around. I could also wish you a very Merry Christmas! But instead I will tell you about the goings on of the cul-de-sac last night.
First off let me remind you of last year's christmas eve.
So last night Larry and I are having some drinks by the light of the Christmas tree and just talking cause you know how it is going on vacation and having house guests. We haven't spoken to each other in like 5 days. So we are sitting in the living room with no lights on except the white lights of the tree.
Larry hears something going on outside and gets up to look out the front window. He says "There is some guy out there that looks like the belongs in the Grateful Dead. Long grey hair. He's taking stuff out of a pick up and putting in on the grass."
So I get up and look out the window of the front door. And sure enough there is some old hippie dude walking around under the street light and a huge white pick up truck. With him is this tatooed punk looking guy. I can't see what they are doing cause whatever they are putting on the grass is behind a huge bush. But they are acting really strange. They would work on whatever was in the grass for a minute and then one of them would go out into the middle of the street and get down on his hands and knees and look at their work.
Keep in mind that it is 10:00 at night on Dec 23rd. What on earth are they up to?
Then a giant gets out of the truck. No seriously. A giant. This guy was HUGE! He made the other guys, who didn't look little before, look like midgets. He wasn't fat, just BIG in everyway.
Then the big dude takes the truck and parks it right next to our house in the street. So Larry goes out into the back yard to see if he can overhear them talking. I go to the window and now they really start to make me nervous. They pick up whatever was in the grass, which now I can kinda see made of shiny metal and start running around the cul-de-sac. But all crouched down and hiding behind bushes.
I'm seriously ready to call the cops at this point.
Then Larry comes back in and they are hiding behind bushes right infront of his car so he flashes the lights. This startles them but they don't leave. Which now I'm curious because if they were up to no good I would think this would get them to leave.
A few seconds later the three of them are pushing a car down the street on this dolly thingy. They push it over behind the truck that is parked next to the house and we hear hydraulics.
Ahhh... repo men.
That explains everything.
First off let me remind you of last year's christmas eve.
So last night Larry and I are having some drinks by the light of the Christmas tree and just talking cause you know how it is going on vacation and having house guests. We haven't spoken to each other in like 5 days. So we are sitting in the living room with no lights on except the white lights of the tree.
Larry hears something going on outside and gets up to look out the front window. He says "There is some guy out there that looks like the belongs in the Grateful Dead. Long grey hair. He's taking stuff out of a pick up and putting in on the grass."
So I get up and look out the window of the front door. And sure enough there is some old hippie dude walking around under the street light and a huge white pick up truck. With him is this tatooed punk looking guy. I can't see what they are doing cause whatever they are putting on the grass is behind a huge bush. But they are acting really strange. They would work on whatever was in the grass for a minute and then one of them would go out into the middle of the street and get down on his hands and knees and look at their work.
Keep in mind that it is 10:00 at night on Dec 23rd. What on earth are they up to?
Then a giant gets out of the truck. No seriously. A giant. This guy was HUGE! He made the other guys, who didn't look little before, look like midgets. He wasn't fat, just BIG in everyway.
Then the big dude takes the truck and parks it right next to our house in the street. So Larry goes out into the back yard to see if he can overhear them talking. I go to the window and now they really start to make me nervous. They pick up whatever was in the grass, which now I can kinda see made of shiny metal and start running around the cul-de-sac. But all crouched down and hiding behind bushes.
I'm seriously ready to call the cops at this point.
Then Larry comes back in and they are hiding behind bushes right infront of his car so he flashes the lights. This startles them but they don't leave. Which now I'm curious because if they were up to no good I would think this would get them to leave.
A few seconds later the three of them are pushing a car down the street on this dolly thingy. They push it over behind the truck that is parked next to the house and we hear hydraulics.
Ahhh... repo men.
That explains everything.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Our vacation in the clouds
It rained the whole time. So no stars, no hiking, and clouds so low they were blocking the mountains. However, that does mean that we were literally IN the clouds. And there was almost no one else there which was cool.
We had the nicest hotel room I've ever stayed in. It was a one bedroom apartment at this resort type place. Very cool. I don't think we saw one other guest the whole time we were there... not that I can think of anyways. They had a fire pit like 5 steps away from our door. The first night we went out there and sat by the fire and drank Hot Chocolate. Cozy.
When I asked Connor about Sedona he said "Tangled was pretty good. I liked Tangled. I liked the lights. I liked the telescope. I liked the hotel. I liked the merry go round with the reindeers."
That about sums it up. Looking forward to my dad's visit tomorrow and then Christmas!! It's going to be another crazy week!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The cough heard around the Target
You know you are sick when you get up in the middle of the night to Google the symptoms of Pneumonia. I'm just saying.
I woke up this morning feeling like I had just run around the block when all I did was walk into the bathroom. So I made a drs appointment. Before I went made sure that I memorized all the symptoms so that I could make sure I was correctly diagnosed with said Pneumonia. But I don't have it, regardless of what the websites say.
I do however have Bronchitis. Which at least let me know I was not crazy. I also left with 4 prescriptions, which I don't know, seems like a little overkill. I got an inhaler (since I was out of breath just walking from the waiting room to the exam room), two different cough meds (one for day, one for night), and some antibiotics. My plan was to not fill both the cough meds but I just went ahead and fill them all, that's how crappy I feel.
I called Larry after my appointment to let him know I was done and that I was headed over to Target to get my meds. He asked me to pick up both his cholesterol meds and his allergy meds. Which meant that Maddy's asthma meds were also needing to be filled. I worked for three years to get their monthly meds on the same schedule, so now it is a hard and fast rule that if you pick up one, you pick up both!
So I hand the pharmacist my four prescriptions, and then ask for the other three I need. Gosh... 7 different meds for 3 different people. She was like... ehhhh... It's probably going to be like 30 mins. Which I expected.
So she rings me up, $100! Jeeze! I gave her the money and a joke about opening my own pharmacy. Then she reaches into her drawer and takes out two gift cards. "I only have two of these left, you can have them. There's $10 on each." Sweet! I don't know the rules on the magic gift card stash, but I was greatful. I'm sure they are meant for the little old lady who gets like one pill at a time cause that is all she can afford. But I still really appreciated it. It was probably my raspy, crackling, I'm-so-sick-I-shouldn't-be-in-public voice that got me first in line on the sympthay train.
I woke up this morning feeling like I had just run around the block when all I did was walk into the bathroom. So I made a drs appointment. Before I went made sure that I memorized all the symptoms so that I could make sure I was correctly diagnosed with said Pneumonia. But I don't have it, regardless of what the websites say.
I do however have Bronchitis. Which at least let me know I was not crazy. I also left with 4 prescriptions, which I don't know, seems like a little overkill. I got an inhaler (since I was out of breath just walking from the waiting room to the exam room), two different cough meds (one for day, one for night), and some antibiotics. My plan was to not fill both the cough meds but I just went ahead and fill them all, that's how crappy I feel.
I called Larry after my appointment to let him know I was done and that I was headed over to Target to get my meds. He asked me to pick up both his cholesterol meds and his allergy meds. Which meant that Maddy's asthma meds were also needing to be filled. I worked for three years to get their monthly meds on the same schedule, so now it is a hard and fast rule that if you pick up one, you pick up both!
So I hand the pharmacist my four prescriptions, and then ask for the other three I need. Gosh... 7 different meds for 3 different people. She was like... ehhhh... It's probably going to be like 30 mins. Which I expected.
So she rings me up, $100! Jeeze! I gave her the money and a joke about opening my own pharmacy. Then she reaches into her drawer and takes out two gift cards. "I only have two of these left, you can have them. There's $10 on each." Sweet! I don't know the rules on the magic gift card stash, but I was greatful. I'm sure they are meant for the little old lady who gets like one pill at a time cause that is all she can afford. But I still really appreciated it. It was probably my raspy, crackling, I'm-so-sick-I-shouldn't-be-in-public voice that got me first in line on the sympthay train.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Hello hello!
Look at me... two posts in one week. Let's keep up the good work!
So yeah... My van got hit while parked.... again. I was dropping Connor off at school and another mom was basically trying to parallel park in front of me and clipped the front corner of the van. I went and got an estimate, $400. Which is totally ridiculous, but what can you do?
It's funny cause as I was pulling into the school parking lot I was thinking about how embarrassing it would be to hit something. Cause it's crazy in there, 100 cars going everywhere. I was thinking how I would be less concerned about the damage than I would be about having done it. You know? And then this mom, who I've talked to here and there over the last few months, comes up kinda snuggles up to me and says "Is that your blue minivan right there? the Kia?" and I say "Yeah, why? Did you hit it?" lol. She puts her forehead against my shoulder and says "Yeah. I'm so sorry!"
So you know... hey. It happens, what can you do. They will fix it. I'm more worried about being without my van for two days. Luckily... if you can call it that... two clients canceled this week so I have to work today and then not again til next Tuesday. So I don't NEED my van until then.
But anywho... got to run.
Look at me... two posts in one week. Let's keep up the good work!
So yeah... My van got hit while parked.... again. I was dropping Connor off at school and another mom was basically trying to parallel park in front of me and clipped the front corner of the van. I went and got an estimate, $400. Which is totally ridiculous, but what can you do?
It's funny cause as I was pulling into the school parking lot I was thinking about how embarrassing it would be to hit something. Cause it's crazy in there, 100 cars going everywhere. I was thinking how I would be less concerned about the damage than I would be about having done it. You know? And then this mom, who I've talked to here and there over the last few months, comes up kinda snuggles up to me and says "Is that your blue minivan right there? the Kia?" and I say "Yeah, why? Did you hit it?" lol. She puts her forehead against my shoulder and says "Yeah. I'm so sorry!"
So you know... hey. It happens, what can you do. They will fix it. I'm more worried about being without my van for two days. Luckily... if you can call it that... two clients canceled this week so I have to work today and then not again til next Tuesday. So I don't NEED my van until then.
But anywho... got to run.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Hi! Long time no talk... I know!
The year is almost over. Can you believe it? I can't. It was a pretty crazy year. New friends, new job, dog owner, landlord, college graduate. Doing the final paper work for Clear Sky, started The Grime Fighters. Lost 20 pounds.
Next year will be even weirder. I'll be the mom of two school aged children. No kids home with me during the day?! Wild!
But you know why I'm really writing today? Because it's New Year's Resolution time again!
My 2010 resolutions were:
1. Get my associates degree: Basically done. I have to take my finals but I have an A in both classes so I'm going to say done.
2. Pay off non mortgage debt and not take on any new debt: ehhh... not so much. My non-mortgage debt has been greatly reduced but buying the rental property certainly doesn't count as no new debt.
3. Get my hair done at least 3 times: done!
4. Do something together as a family at least once a month: done! Easy.
Ok, so New Year's Resolutions for 2011. CRAZY!
1. All non mortgage debt paid off: Ha! We will try again. Mortgage debt only! Both houses included. I don't think that I'm goint to pay one off this year... although, that would be AWESOME!
2. Read 25 books: Could be easy, could be hard. Let's see. I'll have to keep a list somewhere. I'm not really sure if this is a strech or not.
3. Paint the living room: I've lived here 6 years and I've been meaning to paint for about 5.99 years. It's ridiculous. Let there be paint!
Ok, I'm going to call that it. Something financial, some personal development, and something I've been putting off for too long. I think that is a good mix. I should put in there to blog once a day. But let's not get carried away here! Although I really do want to blog more. I know I've been busy... but hopefully things will balance out a little better this year.
Til next time....
The year is almost over. Can you believe it? I can't. It was a pretty crazy year. New friends, new job, dog owner, landlord, college graduate. Doing the final paper work for Clear Sky, started The Grime Fighters. Lost 20 pounds.
Next year will be even weirder. I'll be the mom of two school aged children. No kids home with me during the day?! Wild!
But you know why I'm really writing today? Because it's New Year's Resolution time again!
My 2010 resolutions were:
1. Get my associates degree: Basically done. I have to take my finals but I have an A in both classes so I'm going to say done.
2. Pay off non mortgage debt and not take on any new debt: ehhh... not so much. My non-mortgage debt has been greatly reduced but buying the rental property certainly doesn't count as no new debt.
3. Get my hair done at least 3 times: done!
4. Do something together as a family at least once a month: done! Easy.
Ok, so New Year's Resolutions for 2011. CRAZY!
1. All non mortgage debt paid off: Ha! We will try again. Mortgage debt only! Both houses included. I don't think that I'm goint to pay one off this year... although, that would be AWESOME!
2. Read 25 books: Could be easy, could be hard. Let's see. I'll have to keep a list somewhere. I'm not really sure if this is a strech or not.
3. Paint the living room: I've lived here 6 years and I've been meaning to paint for about 5.99 years. It's ridiculous. Let there be paint!
Ok, I'm going to call that it. Something financial, some personal development, and something I've been putting off for too long. I think that is a good mix. I should put in there to blog once a day. But let's not get carried away here! Although I really do want to blog more. I know I've been busy... but hopefully things will balance out a little better this year.
Til next time....
Monday, October 25, 2010
Forget everything I've said before... my kids are AWESOME! :)
We had parent teacher conferences last week and both kids are doing great. Maddy has straight As, which I knew, and has "Excellent" for everything in self management. Which is like listening, doing her work on time, being nice to the other kids, ect. They give them standardized tests to determine where they are for different subjects. For Reading she got a 4.5, which is the 5th month of grade 4. I wasn't surprised at this. I know she is a very strong reader. But what I was surprised at was that she got a 4.6 in Math. She tested in the 92nd percentile for math. For MATH!! Holy cow.
Connor did great too. It's "only" preschool so they don't really evaluate them the same, but his teacher said he is doing great. And he is doing great. Reading reading reading. Today we were waiting for something at MCC and he wanted to read some booklet about the school. So he picks it up and just starts reading it. So many words I totally wasn't expecting him to be able to read. Like "homework" and "school" and others that I can't think of right now.
Anyways, yeah. Proud Mommy.
I will also get my associates at the end of this semester. Wohoo. That's what we went to MCC for. To hand in my application for graduation. Which don't even get me started on that. I shouldn't have to apply. Dumb. They know what they require, and they know what I've taken. So how do they not know that I've graduated. Durrrrr.
Talk to you later...
We had parent teacher conferences last week and both kids are doing great. Maddy has straight As, which I knew, and has "Excellent" for everything in self management. Which is like listening, doing her work on time, being nice to the other kids, ect. They give them standardized tests to determine where they are for different subjects. For Reading she got a 4.5, which is the 5th month of grade 4. I wasn't surprised at this. I know she is a very strong reader. But what I was surprised at was that she got a 4.6 in Math. She tested in the 92nd percentile for math. For MATH!! Holy cow.
Connor did great too. It's "only" preschool so they don't really evaluate them the same, but his teacher said he is doing great. And he is doing great. Reading reading reading. Today we were waiting for something at MCC and he wanted to read some booklet about the school. So he picks it up and just starts reading it. So many words I totally wasn't expecting him to be able to read. Like "homework" and "school" and others that I can't think of right now.
Anyways, yeah. Proud Mommy.
I will also get my associates at the end of this semester. Wohoo. That's what we went to MCC for. To hand in my application for graduation. Which don't even get me started on that. I shouldn't have to apply. Dumb. They know what they require, and they know what I've taken. So how do they not know that I've graduated. Durrrrr.
Talk to you later...
Sunday, September 19, 2010
For Rent
Hello September... 3 weeks later.
Ok, so we closed on our rental house. Yay! I've been hanging out over there and making a mile long to do list (I accidentally wrote "to go list", which is way more accurate.)
I really want to learn how to be more handy around the house. So now is the time. The house really doesn't need much work. A good scrubbing and a fresh coat of paint will take it a long way. But there is some dry wall stuff that needs to be repaired and some leaky sinks. Nothing big, but enough to be overwhelming to someone who considers hanging a picture on the wall to be big time construction work.
The entire house is white inside. I really tried to talk myself into just keeping it all white, because it really would be a ton easier to repaint it. But I can't do it. It's against my religion to have an all white house. I refuse! So I picked out a nice beige. Which I know, isn't much better than white in a lot of people's eyes. But I do have to keep it neutral.
I laid out a surprise picnic in the empty house tonight. That was kinda fun. We ate sandwiches, grapes, and brownies. Then played a board game. It was also when we realized that the AC isn't turning on. Which was a shocker because it was working before. So, blah. One more thing added to my "to go list".
But I'm excited. I should take some pictures so I can have a before and after shot. That way you can see all my handy work. :)
Ok, so we closed on our rental house. Yay! I've been hanging out over there and making a mile long to do list (I accidentally wrote "to go list", which is way more accurate.)
I really want to learn how to be more handy around the house. So now is the time. The house really doesn't need much work. A good scrubbing and a fresh coat of paint will take it a long way. But there is some dry wall stuff that needs to be repaired and some leaky sinks. Nothing big, but enough to be overwhelming to someone who considers hanging a picture on the wall to be big time construction work.
The entire house is white inside. I really tried to talk myself into just keeping it all white, because it really would be a ton easier to repaint it. But I can't do it. It's against my religion to have an all white house. I refuse! So I picked out a nice beige. Which I know, isn't much better than white in a lot of people's eyes. But I do have to keep it neutral.
I laid out a surprise picnic in the empty house tonight. That was kinda fun. We ate sandwiches, grapes, and brownies. Then played a board game. It was also when we realized that the AC isn't turning on. Which was a shocker because it was working before. So, blah. One more thing added to my "to go list".
But I'm excited. I should take some pictures so I can have a before and after shot. That way you can see all my handy work. :)
Monday, August 16, 2010
Bus stop drama
So school started last week. Third Grade. I can't believe it. Next year, Connor goes too. Crazy, and yet so not crazy since I wish he could go this year.
I'm always surprised that I'm "that mom". I don't want to be "that mom" and yet I keep finding myself being "that mom". You know the one. The one who is all involved in everyone's business, drama drama, no sense of perspective, a phone call to your boss, that mom. Grrr.
For the past two years, the bus stop has been in this one particular spot. It's not perfect, but it works. It's safe, the kids have lots of room to play, I have to get someone to stop throwing landscaping rocks every 5 minutes but it's an ok bus stop. This year the bus driver decides that it's going to be across the street from there. Which is not an ok bus stop. I spent every morning for the past two years trying to keep kids out of the exact place that they now want to put the bus stop.
But I stayed out of it.
Other parents talked to me about it. Said how they didn't like the bus stop. Said how they spoke to the bus driver but she wouldn't move it. Said how they called the bosses of the buses. But I stayed out of it.
What do I care really? I'm there to watch my kids, and I can keep my kids out of the street. If other parents don't come to the bus stop to watch their kids then that's their problem. I can't be responsible for everyone's kids. Only my own. But obviously in practice that isn't how it works. If one of those kids got hurt then I would be responsible, in reality. So even though I don't want to be in charge of the bus stop, somehow I am.
I'm not sure how it happened, exactly. Someone asked me if I thought we should move all the kids back to the old bus stop. I said ok. Then when the bus driver stopped at the now empty bus stop I was some how elected to go talk to her. How does this happen to me?!
So I do, against my better judgement. It wasn't pretty. I told her that this bus stop isn't safe, it's too busy, the cars are not watching, they fly around the corner and someone is going to get hit. And that the new bus stop is going to be back at the old bus stop.
I don't know what she said, but it wasn't "Sure, no problem!" I can't even tell you what else went on, but I was upset. Basically it was her trying to convince me that the bus stop is fine. Which I don't care what she thinks. It's not fine, none of the parents think it's fine. But all I wanted to hear was, "ok, we will move it." And until I heard that, everything else was just blah blah blah.
So I got the number to her boss. I gave it to all the other parents. I tried to call, but no one would answer. I didn't call back because I wanted to calm down first, which didn't happen til after lunch.
Then in the afternoon they dropped off at the old bus stop. So I don't know what happened. I'm curious to talk to the other parents. Maybe I actually got something done with my craziness?? I won't get excited til the morning... we'll see.
I do think I need to apologize either way. :( Sucks.
On a happier note. Connor also got his Yellow Belt in Karate. So cute! He's so proud. We haven't fully decided if he is going to go again, but I think we are leaning that way. Green Belt.
I'm always surprised that I'm "that mom". I don't want to be "that mom" and yet I keep finding myself being "that mom". You know the one. The one who is all involved in everyone's business, drama drama, no sense of perspective, a phone call to your boss, that mom. Grrr.
For the past two years, the bus stop has been in this one particular spot. It's not perfect, but it works. It's safe, the kids have lots of room to play, I have to get someone to stop throwing landscaping rocks every 5 minutes but it's an ok bus stop. This year the bus driver decides that it's going to be across the street from there. Which is not an ok bus stop. I spent every morning for the past two years trying to keep kids out of the exact place that they now want to put the bus stop.
But I stayed out of it.
Other parents talked to me about it. Said how they didn't like the bus stop. Said how they spoke to the bus driver but she wouldn't move it. Said how they called the bosses of the buses. But I stayed out of it.
What do I care really? I'm there to watch my kids, and I can keep my kids out of the street. If other parents don't come to the bus stop to watch their kids then that's their problem. I can't be responsible for everyone's kids. Only my own. But obviously in practice that isn't how it works. If one of those kids got hurt then I would be responsible, in reality. So even though I don't want to be in charge of the bus stop, somehow I am.
I'm not sure how it happened, exactly. Someone asked me if I thought we should move all the kids back to the old bus stop. I said ok. Then when the bus driver stopped at the now empty bus stop I was some how elected to go talk to her. How does this happen to me?!
So I do, against my better judgement. It wasn't pretty. I told her that this bus stop isn't safe, it's too busy, the cars are not watching, they fly around the corner and someone is going to get hit. And that the new bus stop is going to be back at the old bus stop.
I don't know what she said, but it wasn't "Sure, no problem!" I can't even tell you what else went on, but I was upset. Basically it was her trying to convince me that the bus stop is fine. Which I don't care what she thinks. It's not fine, none of the parents think it's fine. But all I wanted to hear was, "ok, we will move it." And until I heard that, everything else was just blah blah blah.
So I got the number to her boss. I gave it to all the other parents. I tried to call, but no one would answer. I didn't call back because I wanted to calm down first, which didn't happen til after lunch.
Then in the afternoon they dropped off at the old bus stop. So I don't know what happened. I'm curious to talk to the other parents. Maybe I actually got something done with my craziness?? I won't get excited til the morning... we'll see.
I do think I need to apologize either way. :( Sucks.
On a happier note. Connor also got his Yellow Belt in Karate. So cute! He's so proud. We haven't fully decided if he is going to go again, but I think we are leaning that way. Green Belt.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Kindergarten tease; part 2
So the school called yesterday.
"Connor is going to be in preschool this year right?"
"Yes" thinking, wow, they actually figured out the preschool/ kindergarten mixup on their own. Nice.
"Ok, we are going to need his birth certificate, shot records, and proof of residency. Can you bring that by today?"
"Well, can't you use what I submitted last year?"
"Oh, he was enrolled here last year? Hold on a second." ..............................................................................................................................................................
............................................................................... "Ok I found his chart, you're all set."
"Also, just to let you know, I got a letter saying he was going to be in Kindergarten this year. You might want to look into that."
"Ok, thanks, I will"
Jeeze louise! Did his chart slip behind the filing cabinet or something? Seriously. I don't know what the heck is going on over there. These are the people I'm trusting to educate my children and they can't even keep track of their own... um... behinds.
"Connor is going to be in preschool this year right?"
"Yes" thinking, wow, they actually figured out the preschool/ kindergarten mixup on their own. Nice.
"Ok, we are going to need his birth certificate, shot records, and proof of residency. Can you bring that by today?"
"Well, can't you use what I submitted last year?"
"Oh, he was enrolled here last year? Hold on a second." ..............................................................................................................................................................
............................................................................... "Ok I found his chart, you're all set."
"Also, just to let you know, I got a letter saying he was going to be in Kindergarten this year. You might want to look into that."
"Ok, thanks, I will"
Jeeze louise! Did his chart slip behind the filing cabinet or something? Seriously. I don't know what the heck is going on over there. These are the people I'm trusting to educate my children and they can't even keep track of their own... um... behinds.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Day by day
"Mommy look! I have two and half boo boos."
And sure enough, three scratches on his ankle, two long, and one short. 2.5 boo boos if I've ever seen them.
His hands are his snappers, and his legs are his chunkers. And that's how life is when you're 4.
I woke up yesterday morning to a sweet kiss on my cheek, only one of two per day that I get voluntarily. The other is before bed. But when I opened my eyes I saw instantly that my baby had slipped away a little more in the night. Clearly something was different around the chin, neck, shoulder area. He grew. An absolutely imperceptible amount. An amount only a mother could see... but there it was.
"Bub... you grew while you were sleeping!"
"I know! Someday I will be bigger than Daddy!"
And don't I know it. Someday he will be bigger than Daddy. Inch by inch. Day by day. He will grow to be bigger than Daddy. Everyday I lose my baby and gain a full grown man. But that's life isn't it? We all move along our paths at such a slow rate it doesn't seem like we make any progress at all. That is until we look back and see just how far we've come.
We were at Fuddruckers the other day... or Fun Wreckers and Connor calls it. And we sat in the Elvis themed booth. Connor thought the pictures of Elvis were pictures of our friend Brad. I'm only mentioning this because when I read this later... and I will... it will make me laugh all over again.
And sure enough, three scratches on his ankle, two long, and one short. 2.5 boo boos if I've ever seen them.
His hands are his snappers, and his legs are his chunkers. And that's how life is when you're 4.
I woke up yesterday morning to a sweet kiss on my cheek, only one of two per day that I get voluntarily. The other is before bed. But when I opened my eyes I saw instantly that my baby had slipped away a little more in the night. Clearly something was different around the chin, neck, shoulder area. He grew. An absolutely imperceptible amount. An amount only a mother could see... but there it was.
"Bub... you grew while you were sleeping!"
"I know! Someday I will be bigger than Daddy!"
And don't I know it. Someday he will be bigger than Daddy. Inch by inch. Day by day. He will grow to be bigger than Daddy. Everyday I lose my baby and gain a full grown man. But that's life isn't it? We all move along our paths at such a slow rate it doesn't seem like we make any progress at all. That is until we look back and see just how far we've come.
We were at Fuddruckers the other day... or Fun Wreckers and Connor calls it. And we sat in the Elvis themed booth. Connor thought the pictures of Elvis were pictures of our friend Brad. I'm only mentioning this because when I read this later... and I will... it will make me laugh all over again.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Kindergarten tease
I got two identical letters today. One was addressed to the parents of Connor, and the other addressed to the parents of Madison.
Larry opened them since I was totally kicking Connor's butt at Bowling on the Wii and couldn't possibly be bothered. The first one said Madison, grade 3, would be picked up for school by bus at this particular location at this particular time. Fine, expected. The second one said that Connor, grade K, would be picked up by bus at this particular location at this particular time.
I'm sorry... what? Connor, grade K. This is worthy of putting down the Wii-mote for a second.
I'll admit, at first I was a little excited. Could I send him to school this year? Full day school? Would anyone notice that he is only 4? Not to brag, but I think he could pull it off, both in size and smarts. I tried not to smile at the thought of my devious plan, cause inside I knew we could never get away with it. Or could we? Clearly, no one is checking IDs here.
But in the end it doesn't matter. Reality quickly set in and I know I can't send him this year. I'm not going to say anything quite yet though. I don't know how this magical mix-up occurred but I'm curious to see if he gets assigned a teacher. Maybe this was just a bus scheduling glitch. Time will tell.
Larry opened them since I was totally kicking Connor's butt at Bowling on the Wii and couldn't possibly be bothered. The first one said Madison, grade 3, would be picked up for school by bus at this particular location at this particular time. Fine, expected. The second one said that Connor, grade K, would be picked up by bus at this particular location at this particular time.
I'm sorry... what? Connor, grade K. This is worthy of putting down the Wii-mote for a second.
I'll admit, at first I was a little excited. Could I send him to school this year? Full day school? Would anyone notice that he is only 4? Not to brag, but I think he could pull it off, both in size and smarts. I tried not to smile at the thought of my devious plan, cause inside I knew we could never get away with it. Or could we? Clearly, no one is checking IDs here.
But in the end it doesn't matter. Reality quickly set in and I know I can't send him this year. I'm not going to say anything quite yet though. I don't know how this magical mix-up occurred but I'm curious to see if he gets assigned a teacher. Maybe this was just a bus scheduling glitch. Time will tell.
Friday, July 2, 2010
2010 is the year of the n
2010 is half over!! Can you believe it? I know my life has changed quite a bit in the last 6 months. Phew! And I think the changes are just getting started.
If this year had a shape it would be an "n". Uphill battle, then a little rest, then it's all down hill. (at least I hope.)
Ok, so the end of June means it's time to check in on the New Year's Resolutions. See how we are doing. I had 4 this year.
1. Get my associates degree: I'm still on track for this. It's on my to do list to sign up for my last 2 classes! I plan to be registered by the end of July. Then all I have to do is, you know, pass the classes.
2a. Pay off non mortgage debt: This might actually happen, we'll have to see. We've paid off about half so I guess according to that we are right on track.
2b. Not take on any new debt: Tougher. We did buy Larry a car, so I guess we have taken on new debt. But if we pay it off by the end of the year does it count? But either way, I doubt we will make this one. I'm currently planning to take on quite a bit more debt. This one doesn't look like it's going to happen.
3. Get my hair done at least 3 times: This shouldn't be too hard. I've gotten it done twice so far, so one more time is doable.
4. Do something together as a family at least once a month. I really underestimated myself here. We do stuff together as a family. I must have been having a guilty mommy moment when I put this one on the list. As proof we are planning to see Toy Story 3 tonight.
Ok, not too bad. On track with most and the one I'm sure to miss was done intentionally. I think we are doing the right thing, so I'm forgiven. :)
If this year had a shape it would be an "n". Uphill battle, then a little rest, then it's all down hill. (at least I hope.)
Ok, so the end of June means it's time to check in on the New Year's Resolutions. See how we are doing. I had 4 this year.
1. Get my associates degree: I'm still on track for this. It's on my to do list to sign up for my last 2 classes! I plan to be registered by the end of July. Then all I have to do is, you know, pass the classes.
2a. Pay off non mortgage debt: This might actually happen, we'll have to see. We've paid off about half so I guess according to that we are right on track.
2b. Not take on any new debt: Tougher. We did buy Larry a car, so I guess we have taken on new debt. But if we pay it off by the end of the year does it count? But either way, I doubt we will make this one. I'm currently planning to take on quite a bit more debt. This one doesn't look like it's going to happen.
3. Get my hair done at least 3 times: This shouldn't be too hard. I've gotten it done twice so far, so one more time is doable.
4. Do something together as a family at least once a month. I really underestimated myself here. We do stuff together as a family. I must have been having a guilty mommy moment when I put this one on the list. As proof we are planning to see Toy Story 3 tonight.
Ok, not too bad. On track with most and the one I'm sure to miss was done intentionally. I think we are doing the right thing, so I'm forgiven. :)
Friday, June 25, 2010
I'm an excellent driver
Do you know why I'm such a good driver? It's because I have the world's best, most attentive back seat driver ever. Driving with Connor is like that dream I had where I was taking the test to get my license and the DMV tester person was sitting in the passenger seat with a clipboard marking off every little infraction.
"Are you going to turn here Mommy?"
"Yes I am."
"Well you better turn on your arrow!"
After I changed lanes. "Mommy! You went over the line. You are not a great driver. I'm going to call the police."
Then I stopped at a light, after I stopped I rolled forward about 2 inches. "Mommy! You are not a great driver. Your wheels moved a little bit. I'm going to call the police."
We were on the freeway and he felt I should use cruise control. "Push that button. The arrow keeps moving. Make the arrow stop moving."
Heaven forbid I miss my exit. Oh my gosh! "Mommy, where are we going? Mommy why didn't you turn? Mommy why are we going this way? Mommy this is not the way to our house. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy."
"You are going the wrong way."
"I'm so so sorry. I'm not a great driver. You should call the police."
"Are you going to turn here Mommy?"
"Yes I am."
"Well you better turn on your arrow!"
After I changed lanes. "Mommy! You went over the line. You are not a great driver. I'm going to call the police."
Then I stopped at a light, after I stopped I rolled forward about 2 inches. "Mommy! You are not a great driver. Your wheels moved a little bit. I'm going to call the police."
We were on the freeway and he felt I should use cruise control. "Push that button. The arrow keeps moving. Make the arrow stop moving."
Heaven forbid I miss my exit. Oh my gosh! "Mommy, where are we going? Mommy why didn't you turn? Mommy why are we going this way? Mommy this is not the way to our house. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy."
"You are going the wrong way."
"I'm so so sorry. I'm not a great driver. You should call the police."
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Writing Prompt: Start your story with "She touched the little box in her pocket and smiled."
Ok, Here we go...
She touched the little box in her pocket and smiled. A moment later the city bus pulled up and she carefully stepped on.
"Well, hello Lizzy!" said the bus driver. Retired from the Army, he had started driving the city bus to get him out of the house for the day. "Where's your ma today?"
"Hi Mr. Montgomery. Momma has to work today. She said I go to see Chris by myself."
"Well, that's mighty brave of you, riding the bus all alone."
"I'll be alright."
"No doubt about that. I'll make sure you get where you're going."
She took a seat directly behind the bus driver. It was the first time her mother had ever let her ride the bus alone. She was nervous and wanted to be close to the kind Mr. Montgomery. But if anyone asked her she would say she sat there so she could listen to the Jazz playing quietly on his radio.
Along the way they passed the little store where her and Chris used to buy ice cream sandwiches with the money they earned walking old Mrs. Appleworth's dog. She remembered the time Chris was in the back of the store leaning against the drink coolers and talking to that girl from school who giggled too much. She wanted Chris to hurry up. She was bored and the store smelled like beer.
"Chris! Come on. Mamma's gunna be worried!" she had yelled to him. But he never even looked at her. He just waved his hand towards her in an effort to get her to stop bothering him. So she wandered around the store a bit and then casually walked out without paying for her ice cream. As soon as she was out the door she ran all the way to her building, up the stairs, and into her apartment. She was gasping for air when she arrived home but she tried to act normal.
"Hi Momma." she said casually as she unwrapped her stolen treat.
"Lizzy? What on Earth is going on?" her mom asked while wiping her hands on a dish towel. "Where's Chris?"
"Talking to a girl at Mr. Robert's store."
Just then Chris came bursting through the door. "God damn it Lizzie!" he yelled. "What did
you go and do that for?"
"Don't you talk that way in our house, young man." their mother said.
"Ma, Lizzy stole that ice cream! Mr. Roberts said I better get her back there right away or he's gunna send the cops here."
"Elizabeth Rachel Hawkins! I swear. What gets into you girl?"
At the store Momma paid for the ice cream and then made Lizzy work at the store after school for two whole days as punishment.
"Lizzy. Hun? This is your stop." Mr. Montgomery's voice broke through the fog of her memory.
As she approached the hospital the glass double doors opened to let her into the cool, bleached air. She gave a small nod to the lady behind the desk and walked to the elevators. The door opened as soon as she pushed the button and she stepped into the empty oversized elevator. On her way up she took the small metal box out of her dress pocket. She had gotten it out of Chris' room that morning while Momma was making breakfast. It was red with a black lid that had a red dragon on it. She rubbed her thumb over the dragon while she waited for the door to open.
Her dress shoes clicked on the shiny tile floors on her way to Chris' room. The door was open and the curtain was drawn halfway so she could only see him from the knees down. His skinny legs and feet were the only disruption to the smoothness of the thin blue blanket.
"Hey Chris. Happy Birthday!" she said as she sat down in the chair next to the bed. The blinds covering the window were open and the room was filled with summer sun. The nurses had brought in a balloon that said "Happy Birthday" in colorful letters on a silver background. The TV was on but he sound was turned down to almost nothing and the remote laid on a wheeled table along side Chris' uneaten breakfast.
"Hey Monkey Face." Chris whispered. "Where's Ma?"
"She had to work, she said to tell you that she'll be by later." Chris nodded and moved his eyes back to the soundless TV.
"I brought you something." She said after a moment and handed him the dragon box. He struggled to remove the lid, working on one corner and then another. Lizzy almost offered to help him but knew better. He finally opened it to reveal a blue and red braided friendship bracelet.
"Thanks." he said holding it up in the sunlight. "It's really great."
"I made it for you." she said taking it from him and wrapping it around his thin wrist. "You are supposed to make a wish while I tie it on." Chris closed his eyes and wished while she tied the ends in a knot.
He held his arm up to both admire and show off his new bracelet.
"So what did you wish for?" she asked.
"I know I'm not supposed to tell." he said smiling and giving her hand a light squeeze. "Did mom say when she would be here?"
"Seven I think. Do you want me to get your breakfast for you?"
"No thanks. I actually going to take a little nap. If that's ok."
"Sure Chris. Whatever you want." She sat back the hospital chair and watched him drift off to sleep.
Ok, Here we go...
She touched the little box in her pocket and smiled. A moment later the city bus pulled up and she carefully stepped on.
"Well, hello Lizzy!" said the bus driver. Retired from the Army, he had started driving the city bus to get him out of the house for the day. "Where's your ma today?"
"Hi Mr. Montgomery. Momma has to work today. She said I go to see Chris by myself."
"Well, that's mighty brave of you, riding the bus all alone."
"I'll be alright."
"No doubt about that. I'll make sure you get where you're going."
She took a seat directly behind the bus driver. It was the first time her mother had ever let her ride the bus alone. She was nervous and wanted to be close to the kind Mr. Montgomery. But if anyone asked her she would say she sat there so she could listen to the Jazz playing quietly on his radio.
Along the way they passed the little store where her and Chris used to buy ice cream sandwiches with the money they earned walking old Mrs. Appleworth's dog. She remembered the time Chris was in the back of the store leaning against the drink coolers and talking to that girl from school who giggled too much. She wanted Chris to hurry up. She was bored and the store smelled like beer.
"Chris! Come on. Mamma's gunna be worried!" she had yelled to him. But he never even looked at her. He just waved his hand towards her in an effort to get her to stop bothering him. So she wandered around the store a bit and then casually walked out without paying for her ice cream. As soon as she was out the door she ran all the way to her building, up the stairs, and into her apartment. She was gasping for air when she arrived home but she tried to act normal.
"Hi Momma." she said casually as she unwrapped her stolen treat.
"Lizzy? What on Earth is going on?" her mom asked while wiping her hands on a dish towel. "Where's Chris?"
"Talking to a girl at Mr. Robert's store."
Just then Chris came bursting through the door. "God damn it Lizzie!" he yelled. "What did
you go and do that for?"
"Don't you talk that way in our house, young man." their mother said.
"Ma, Lizzy stole that ice cream! Mr. Roberts said I better get her back there right away or he's gunna send the cops here."
"Elizabeth Rachel Hawkins! I swear. What gets into you girl?"
At the store Momma paid for the ice cream and then made Lizzy work at the store after school for two whole days as punishment.
"Lizzy. Hun? This is your stop." Mr. Montgomery's voice broke through the fog of her memory.
As she approached the hospital the glass double doors opened to let her into the cool, bleached air. She gave a small nod to the lady behind the desk and walked to the elevators. The door opened as soon as she pushed the button and she stepped into the empty oversized elevator. On her way up she took the small metal box out of her dress pocket. She had gotten it out of Chris' room that morning while Momma was making breakfast. It was red with a black lid that had a red dragon on it. She rubbed her thumb over the dragon while she waited for the door to open.
Her dress shoes clicked on the shiny tile floors on her way to Chris' room. The door was open and the curtain was drawn halfway so she could only see him from the knees down. His skinny legs and feet were the only disruption to the smoothness of the thin blue blanket.
"Hey Chris. Happy Birthday!" she said as she sat down in the chair next to the bed. The blinds covering the window were open and the room was filled with summer sun. The nurses had brought in a balloon that said "Happy Birthday" in colorful letters on a silver background. The TV was on but he sound was turned down to almost nothing and the remote laid on a wheeled table along side Chris' uneaten breakfast.
"Hey Monkey Face." Chris whispered. "Where's Ma?"
"She had to work, she said to tell you that she'll be by later." Chris nodded and moved his eyes back to the soundless TV.
"I brought you something." She said after a moment and handed him the dragon box. He struggled to remove the lid, working on one corner and then another. Lizzy almost offered to help him but knew better. He finally opened it to reveal a blue and red braided friendship bracelet.
"Thanks." he said holding it up in the sunlight. "It's really great."
"I made it for you." she said taking it from him and wrapping it around his thin wrist. "You are supposed to make a wish while I tie it on." Chris closed his eyes and wished while she tied the ends in a knot.
He held his arm up to both admire and show off his new bracelet.
"So what did you wish for?" she asked.
"I know I'm not supposed to tell." he said smiling and giving her hand a light squeeze. "Did mom say when she would be here?"
"Seven I think. Do you want me to get your breakfast for you?"
"No thanks. I actually going to take a little nap. If that's ok."
"Sure Chris. Whatever you want." She sat back the hospital chair and watched him drift off to sleep.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Warning: Poop talk ahead!
Red likes his walks at 7:50 am. Sharp! So this morning we are out on our regular walk. Now I have to tell you that Red will only poop on a walk if he gets near this one type of flower. I don't know why. Weird, I know, but I swear it's true. So I do my best to keep him away from these plants. So far so good.
Until today.
I was walking through this one spot where there are quite a bit of these flowers. We were walking along and then all of a sudden Red just backs his butt up into this bush and starts pooping. Crap! (literally) Right as I realize what is going on this car turns the corner and I just know that it's this lady who is known for her calls to the HOA.
This lady walks around the neighborhood several times a day being a busy body and reporting everyone and everything she sees. I don't know if she is on the board, or just bored. But either way, I know this is bad news. She caught me bagless while my dog poops into a flowering bush. Awesome.
She drove down about 5 houses and stops. There is no way I'm going to leave the poop there while this lady is watching, so I just stand there. We were in a stand off. She was sitting there staring at me. I was standing there staring at her. But I was determined to wait her out. She's the one who has somewhere to be, not me. Finally after what seemed like 5 minutes she slowly drove away.
Yes, I went back and picked it up. Lord knows she is going to check that bush when she gets back home to see if I did. And I don't need any letters from the HOA. I thought about hanging my full poop bag on her doorknob with a letter saying something about how since she was so interested in my dog's poop that I wanted her to have it. But I didn't.
I'll just post it on the internet instead.
Until today.
I was walking through this one spot where there are quite a bit of these flowers. We were walking along and then all of a sudden Red just backs his butt up into this bush and starts pooping. Crap! (literally) Right as I realize what is going on this car turns the corner and I just know that it's this lady who is known for her calls to the HOA.
This lady walks around the neighborhood several times a day being a busy body and reporting everyone and everything she sees. I don't know if she is on the board, or just bored. But either way, I know this is bad news. She caught me bagless while my dog poops into a flowering bush. Awesome.
She drove down about 5 houses and stops. There is no way I'm going to leave the poop there while this lady is watching, so I just stand there. We were in a stand off. She was sitting there staring at me. I was standing there staring at her. But I was determined to wait her out. She's the one who has somewhere to be, not me. Finally after what seemed like 5 minutes she slowly drove away.
Yes, I went back and picked it up. Lord knows she is going to check that bush when she gets back home to see if I did. And I don't need any letters from the HOA. I thought about hanging my full poop bag on her doorknob with a letter saying something about how since she was so interested in my dog's poop that I wanted her to have it. But I didn't.
I'll just post it on the internet instead.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Summer Cleaning
So how has your summer been going? Mine? It's ok. Trying to get this house cleaned up. I've decided to make good use of my slaves... uh... I mean... kids. I've decided to make good use of my KIDS.
Surprisingly they actually liked cleaning. We attacked my bedroom today. Connor wiped down all the baseboards and then dusted. Maddy cleaned the bathroom floor and helped with the baseboards. I did the blinds and windows, then picked up all the clothes and other odds and ends. Why does the Master bedroom become a catch all?
I would say we worked for about a half hour. I was sweating and looking for a break, so I told the kids they could go play.
"But Moooooooooom....I want to keep cleeeeeeeeaniiiiiiiiiing!"
"Well, if you're good we will get to do some more cleaning tomorrow." Ha!
Can you believe it?
This was in stark contrast to the last time I tried to get actual hard labor out of them. Connor was game but Maddy cleaned the floor with her tears and got to vacuum as punishment for the bad attitude. So maybe the helpfulness today was influenced by that? Either way is fine with me.
Surprisingly they actually liked cleaning. We attacked my bedroom today. Connor wiped down all the baseboards and then dusted. Maddy cleaned the bathroom floor and helped with the baseboards. I did the blinds and windows, then picked up all the clothes and other odds and ends. Why does the Master bedroom become a catch all?
I would say we worked for about a half hour. I was sweating and looking for a break, so I told the kids they could go play.
"But Moooooooooom....I want to keep cleeeeeeeeaniiiiiiiiiing!"
"Well, if you're good we will get to do some more cleaning tomorrow." Ha!
Can you believe it?
This was in stark contrast to the last time I tried to get actual hard labor out of them. Connor was game but Maddy cleaned the floor with her tears and got to vacuum as punishment for the bad attitude. So maybe the helpfulness today was influenced by that? Either way is fine with me.
Friday, May 28, 2010
First day of summer vacation. Wow. Totally doesn't feel like it. This year absolutely flew by. I can't believe it.
I'm trying to get us off on the right foot this year. The last week or so I've been talking about how we are going to act this summer. Nicely. We are going to act nicely. We are going to speak nicely. We are going to touch nicely. We are going to be nice to each other, damn it!
We are also going to be cleaning the house. So when they started fighting I started handing out chores. I decided that today we would spend 15 minutes wiping down the baseboards. Which we did. And everyone (Maddy) who had a bad attitude about it got an extra chore, which turned out to be vacuuming. Yup! I love being the grown up and getting to just make up the rules as I go along.
She actually did a really great job. Her baseboards look brand new (maybe tears are a good cleaning agent) and the rug is perfect. I went on and on about how good her cleaning was and she seemed happy about it. Chores do that girl good.
After chores we went up to the pool. Oh the pool looked just perfect when we got there. I wish I had brought a camera. The water was so so blue and there were two perfect palm tree shadows in the pool. It felt like some tropical vacation. I just needed a frozen daiquiri brought to me on a tray.
They are finally old enough that I don't have to go in the pool too!! Awesome. I talked on the phone and the hung out in the shade while they swam. Love it. We will go up there way more if I don't have to swim. It was so nice.
So far summer vacation is off to a great start.
I'm trying to get us off on the right foot this year. The last week or so I've been talking about how we are going to act this summer. Nicely. We are going to act nicely. We are going to speak nicely. We are going to touch nicely. We are going to be nice to each other, damn it!
We are also going to be cleaning the house. So when they started fighting I started handing out chores. I decided that today we would spend 15 minutes wiping down the baseboards. Which we did. And everyone (Maddy) who had a bad attitude about it got an extra chore, which turned out to be vacuuming. Yup! I love being the grown up and getting to just make up the rules as I go along.
She actually did a really great job. Her baseboards look brand new (maybe tears are a good cleaning agent) and the rug is perfect. I went on and on about how good her cleaning was and she seemed happy about it. Chores do that girl good.
After chores we went up to the pool. Oh the pool looked just perfect when we got there. I wish I had brought a camera. The water was so so blue and there were two perfect palm tree shadows in the pool. It felt like some tropical vacation. I just needed a frozen daiquiri brought to me on a tray.
They are finally old enough that I don't have to go in the pool too!! Awesome. I talked on the phone and the hung out in the shade while they swam. Love it. We will go up there way more if I don't have to swim. It was so nice.
So far summer vacation is off to a great start.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The Red Report
We first met him two years ago at the bus stop. He came every morning and Connor would give him a pat pat. He was only 2 back then! He called him "Puppy Red" rather than just "Red". I would go get Connor out of his crib and he would be cranky. So I would say "Do you think Puppy Red is going to be at the bus stop?" and that would get Connor moving and motivated to get up and dressed.
Then after the bus stop Tamera and I would walk around the neighborhood and Red would tag along. Sniffing and peeing. Peeing and sniffing. Limping along like the old man he is. If he was a person he would be in front of me at Walmart pushing a walker with tennis balls on the legs.
And now he's ours. And Connor still calls him Puppy Red, even though he hasn't been a puppy since "Memento" was in theaters.
I feel bad that we can't just tell him that he lives here now. Tamera and her girls came by last night to drop him off. It's weird that he doesn't understand that he isn't going back home. But what can you do?
You know I'm not a dog person. That hasn't changed. But I'm not a kid person either, and I have two of those. So I guess I'll adjust. I feel the same about him as I did the kids when I got them. Like "eh, I guess I'll take you home and keep you alive until your not my responsibility anymore." But the kids grew on me... and I'm sure Red will too. He kind of already has.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
First last day of preschool
Today was Connor's last day of preschool. Well, you know, except for all of next year. So not technically the last day. Today was Connor's first last day of preschool. There was a little ceremony in his class that was very cute and I have it all on video. He's so cute! I just wanted to bounce out of my tiny plastic chair and rush up on stage to give him a big hug. They sang a couple of songs and we watched a video montage of the pictures throughout the year. It was cute. Then we had snacks and played.
All the other boys in his class are going to kindergarten next year. So I'm really hoping that some 4 year old boys sign up over the summer. Cause, I mean, girls are nice and all... but they aren't boys.
My birthday was on Monday. 33. Really not a big deal and it just seemed silly that anyone would even mention it. (But thank you to everyone who did!) My theory on getting older is that once you are past 25 it's only a big deal if you are not where you think you should be by your given age. But I'm pretty much where I pictured myself at the ripe old age of 33, so having my birthday wasn't a big deal. Which is nice.
I woke up to hearing that my sister in law was at the hospital giving birth to my newest niece. So I waited all day to hear some news. When I finally got the call it was to say that they sent her home. So we will wait and see what happens.
All the other boys in his class are going to kindergarten next year. So I'm really hoping that some 4 year old boys sign up over the summer. Cause, I mean, girls are nice and all... but they aren't boys.
My birthday was on Monday. 33. Really not a big deal and it just seemed silly that anyone would even mention it. (But thank you to everyone who did!) My theory on getting older is that once you are past 25 it's only a big deal if you are not where you think you should be by your given age. But I'm pretty much where I pictured myself at the ripe old age of 33, so having my birthday wasn't a big deal. Which is nice.
I woke up to hearing that my sister in law was at the hospital giving birth to my newest niece. So I waited all day to hear some news. When I finally got the call it was to say that they sent her home. So we will wait and see what happens.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Surprise! I'm up at 6:00... in the morning! I'm not sure what's going on but I'm none to happy about it. I don't normally do this. Waking up early. It's weird. Usually my alarm goes off at just before 7:00 and I doze while listening to the news until 7:panic. Then I throw something on, maybe put on some make up if I think someone at the morning bus stop could actually confuse me for a raccoon, and then go downstairs to yell at the kids, slap together a pb&j, and head out to the bus stop.
But not today. Today I woke up at 6:00 and laid there til 6:11 and decided, what the heck... might as well just get up. Weird.
It might have something to do with the fact that my jaw and temple on the right side is killing me. I went to the dentist yesterday for what he himself said was the worlds smallest filling. He gave me a shot but nothing really happened. I didn't really get numb. He started to give me another one but I stopped him and just said go ahead and do it.
He did. I lived.
I kept getting more numb afterwards and then when it was fully worn off I felt my jaw. Kinda sore. At first I thought it was the actual tooth that was sore, but no... its my jaw. Fine whatever.
By bed I could barely open my mouth. Still can't really. So I'm not sure what is up with that. I'll see how it goes today I guess. Hopefully things loosen up.
Oh, and a cat had kittens in the planter box in the backyard. Ew. They are gone now. Maybe after being watered Momma cat decided that it's not the best place to nurse her young.
But not today. Today I woke up at 6:00 and laid there til 6:11 and decided, what the heck... might as well just get up. Weird.
It might have something to do with the fact that my jaw and temple on the right side is killing me. I went to the dentist yesterday for what he himself said was the worlds smallest filling. He gave me a shot but nothing really happened. I didn't really get numb. He started to give me another one but I stopped him and just said go ahead and do it.
He did. I lived.
I kept getting more numb afterwards and then when it was fully worn off I felt my jaw. Kinda sore. At first I thought it was the actual tooth that was sore, but no... its my jaw. Fine whatever.
By bed I could barely open my mouth. Still can't really. So I'm not sure what is up with that. I'll see how it goes today I guess. Hopefully things loosen up.
Oh, and a cat had kittens in the planter box in the backyard. Ew. They are gone now. Maybe after being watered Momma cat decided that it's not the best place to nurse her young.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Connor started Karate last night. So cute! It's for ages 4 and up so he is one of the smallest kids. Adorable. He was wearing his little Karate uniform, all barefoot and buzz cut. UG... he was melting my heart.
They were lined up and would do the move they were working on one at a time and then go to the back of the line. When Connor was done with his turn he would skip (literally) to the back of the line, then give me a thumbs up and blow me a kiss. haha... so manly.
But he LOVES it. He had a total blast. When we got home he had to reenact the whole lesson. In fact, the words "Why don't you hit me with your light saber!" actually came out of my mouth... voluntarily.
He also added some other stuff like holding hands and spinning around.
"Are you sure you did this in Karate?"
"I don't think you held hands and spun around like you're in a field of Daises on the first spring day."
But it's really cute and I think he's going to love it. Maddy was not pleased at all and was either crying or fighting back tears for the entire hour. It's simply so not fair that Connor gets to do Karate when all she gets to do is Girl Scouts and Art Class. But you know... can't have everything.
They were lined up and would do the move they were working on one at a time and then go to the back of the line. When Connor was done with his turn he would skip (literally) to the back of the line, then give me a thumbs up and blow me a kiss. haha... so manly.
But he LOVES it. He had a total blast. When we got home he had to reenact the whole lesson. In fact, the words "Why don't you hit me with your light saber!" actually came out of my mouth... voluntarily.
He also added some other stuff like holding hands and spinning around.
"Are you sure you did this in Karate?"
"I don't think you held hands and spun around like you're in a field of Daises on the first spring day."
But it's really cute and I think he's going to love it. Maddy was not pleased at all and was either crying or fighting back tears for the entire hour. It's simply so not fair that Connor gets to do Karate when all she gets to do is Girl Scouts and Art Class. But you know... can't have everything.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
The Reset Button
Sorry I haven't written in a while but honestly, I've been doing NOTHING. I've just been caught up in my own head, and trust me, you don't want to know what's going on in there. Well, maybe you do, 'cause then you could confirm you suspicions about me.
I love quotes. Love 'em! I heard one forever ago that goes "Empty your cup so it may be filled." The filling of the cup is fun... the emptying of the cup, not so much. I'm currently in the emptying stage... and it sucks. I lost my job and several of my friends are moving away this summer. I seriously don't know what to do with myself. I know my cup won't ever be EMPTY since I will always have Larry and the kids, and they are awesome. I'm not complaining... I'm just saying. Someone somewhere has hit the reset button on my life, and I'm none too happy about it.
I'm trying to feel excited rather than scared. What is going to fill the giant vacuum that has appeared in my life? Just about anything could happen. See... it will be exciting... not scary. Nothing to be scared of.
While I'm waiting for my life to get some traction I have discovered a great new drink.
Baily's Irish Cream
Butterscotch Schnapps
Not too much alcohol, maybe a shot and half total, in a 16oz glass. Not a shot of each... unless you're Larry. But if you are me you just want it to taste like the best damn rootbeer float you ever had.
Now excuse me... my drink is waiting.
I love quotes. Love 'em! I heard one forever ago that goes "Empty your cup so it may be filled." The filling of the cup is fun... the emptying of the cup, not so much. I'm currently in the emptying stage... and it sucks. I lost my job and several of my friends are moving away this summer. I seriously don't know what to do with myself. I know my cup won't ever be EMPTY since I will always have Larry and the kids, and they are awesome. I'm not complaining... I'm just saying. Someone somewhere has hit the reset button on my life, and I'm none too happy about it.
I'm trying to feel excited rather than scared. What is going to fill the giant vacuum that has appeared in my life? Just about anything could happen. See... it will be exciting... not scary. Nothing to be scared of.
While I'm waiting for my life to get some traction I have discovered a great new drink.
Baily's Irish Cream
Butterscotch Schnapps
Not too much alcohol, maybe a shot and half total, in a 16oz glass. Not a shot of each... unless you're Larry. But if you are me you just want it to taste like the best damn rootbeer float you ever had.
Now excuse me... my drink is waiting.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Strawberries ARE good
Likey? Cute huh. It always freaks me out when blogs change their template. It's like showing up at your friend's house and someone else answers the door. Or calling a friend's cell and their husband answers. "Oh Hi, Uh... am I in the right place?"
Let me reassure you... yes, you are in the right place. I intended to give my blog an updated look at my second "blogiversary" but that was back in October. So here we are... better late than never, right?
So anyways...
Larry has a doctor's appointment tomorrow. He started out with some skin on his arm that was sore. Then hives showed up in the sore spots. Then his hand on that arm started to get kinda numb and had sore joints. Now his shoulder is very achy and he is having some general fatigue.
Connor is also sick. He has a fever, but really nothing else. He has been acting fairly normal, but at night gets all hot and weird. Last night he started screaming in his sleep and when I went up there he wouldn't even respond to me. That's creepy. He was all hot and screaming. I couldn't wake him up. Finally he came to and asked me if I was going to go put my pajamas on. We took his temp and it was 100. So I just tucked him back in and he slept mostly fine for the rest of the night.
Then just now he called me up there. And by "called me" I mean started screaming at the top of his lungs. When I went into his room he was sitting on the end of his bed with both arms out to the sides. He seemed like he knew I was there but he kept calling for me. When I asked him what he wanted he was screamed at me that he wanted some strawberries. I asked Larry to turn the light on, I thought maybe that would make him realize that he was awake. That seemed to work. We took his temp again and it was 101. So again, a kiss and a tuck and back to sleep little boy.
Hopefully both my boys will feel better tomorrow.
Let me reassure you... yes, you are in the right place. I intended to give my blog an updated look at my second "blogiversary" but that was back in October. So here we are... better late than never, right?
So anyways...
Larry has a doctor's appointment tomorrow. He started out with some skin on his arm that was sore. Then hives showed up in the sore spots. Then his hand on that arm started to get kinda numb and had sore joints. Now his shoulder is very achy and he is having some general fatigue.
Connor is also sick. He has a fever, but really nothing else. He has been acting fairly normal, but at night gets all hot and weird. Last night he started screaming in his sleep and when I went up there he wouldn't even respond to me. That's creepy. He was all hot and screaming. I couldn't wake him up. Finally he came to and asked me if I was going to go put my pajamas on. We took his temp and it was 100. So I just tucked him back in and he slept mostly fine for the rest of the night.
Then just now he called me up there. And by "called me" I mean started screaming at the top of his lungs. When I went into his room he was sitting on the end of his bed with both arms out to the sides. He seemed like he knew I was there but he kept calling for me. When I asked him what he wanted he was screamed at me that he wanted some strawberries. I asked Larry to turn the light on, I thought maybe that would make him realize that he was awake. That seemed to work. We took his temp again and it was 101. So again, a kiss and a tuck and back to sleep little boy.
Hopefully both my boys will feel better tomorrow.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Connor had a field trip with is preschool yesterday. The jr high puts it on every year for preschool classes that have kids with special needs. Connor's class is a mixed class, which means it has both developmentally delayed kids and typically developing kids in the same class. So his class got to go.
The carnival was super cute. They broke the kids up in groups of 8 and had them rotate through the 20 different stations. So doing some quick math that means that there were about 160 preschoolers there. Phew! It took 2 hours to get through all the stations. I was wiped out!
First we had to throw bean bags at bottles. Then we went through the "car wash" where the kids rode tricycles though us while we sprayed them with spray bottles. Then we got to the parachute, but instead of a ball in the center it was a rubber chicken... which was hilarious as it bounced around and flipped up in the air. Then we went to the painting table, and then the obstacle course. Then we got fake tattoos and then blew bubbles. Then we had sponge races. They had a bucket filled with water and across the way some plastic cups. The kids had to get their sponges wet in the bucket and then run them across and fill their cup with water. First one to fill the cup wins!
After that we went to hula hoops and I learned the sad truth that I have lost my hula hooping skills. Then we got to bounce in the blow up bouncing castles. Then we flew "kites", which were really Walmart shopping bags with twine tied around the handles. But they were cute.
Then we had pop-a-goes (Popsicles). Then we went to the bracelet making station. Which we really just used this time to sit in the shade and eat our popagoes. Then we threw bean bags at cans. Then we rode scooters, and then we played hopscotch.
Was that 20? Don't count.... just assume it was. They also had a puppet station but we never made it to that one. Which was fine by me.
Then we went home and took naps.
The carnival was super cute. They broke the kids up in groups of 8 and had them rotate through the 20 different stations. So doing some quick math that means that there were about 160 preschoolers there. Phew! It took 2 hours to get through all the stations. I was wiped out!
First we had to throw bean bags at bottles. Then we went through the "car wash" where the kids rode tricycles though us while we sprayed them with spray bottles. Then we got to the parachute, but instead of a ball in the center it was a rubber chicken... which was hilarious as it bounced around and flipped up in the air. Then we went to the painting table, and then the obstacle course. Then we got fake tattoos and then blew bubbles. Then we had sponge races. They had a bucket filled with water and across the way some plastic cups. The kids had to get their sponges wet in the bucket and then run them across and fill their cup with water. First one to fill the cup wins!
After that we went to hula hoops and I learned the sad truth that I have lost my hula hooping skills. Then we got to bounce in the blow up bouncing castles. Then we flew "kites", which were really Walmart shopping bags with twine tied around the handles. But they were cute.
Then we had pop-a-goes (Popsicles). Then we went to the bracelet making station. Which we really just used this time to sit in the shade and eat our popagoes. Then we threw bean bags at cans. Then we rode scooters, and then we played hopscotch.
Was that 20? Don't count.... just assume it was. They also had a puppet station but we never made it to that one. Which was fine by me.
Then we went home and took naps.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Come on April!
In the future we will be referring to March 2010 as "The Dark Period". Many things happened this month that I have no memory of. So under no circumstances should you ever bring up anything that I said, did, or agreed to during The Dark Period. Got it!
One thing I do remember is buying Larry a car. Remember how his car was going to cost more to fix than it was worth? So we traded it in on a new-to-us car. We actually got $2,800 for it as a trade. So we made the right choice there. The new car is a Chrysler 300. It's an '06 but it only has 30,000 miles on it. They said it was a trade in from an old man. It's the ever coveted "little old lady from Pasadena" car! Except in this case it's the little old man from Sun City. We got it for $2,000 under blue book, put some money down, and traded in our worthless piece of junk. Our payment is $50 less a month than the old car.
"Payment?!" you exclaim, "Didn't you say you weren't going to take on any new debt in 2010, wasn't that one of your resolutions?"
Yes, I did say that. But I'm considering some other financial options right now... so back off.
But anyways... I got sidetracked there. April 1st is going to be a new beginning around here. So bite me March!
One thing I do remember is buying Larry a car. Remember how his car was going to cost more to fix than it was worth? So we traded it in on a new-to-us car. We actually got $2,800 for it as a trade. So we made the right choice there. The new car is a Chrysler 300. It's an '06 but it only has 30,000 miles on it. They said it was a trade in from an old man. It's the ever coveted "little old lady from Pasadena" car! Except in this case it's the little old man from Sun City. We got it for $2,000 under blue book, put some money down, and traded in our worthless piece of junk. Our payment is $50 less a month than the old car.
"Payment?!" you exclaim, "Didn't you say you weren't going to take on any new debt in 2010, wasn't that one of your resolutions?"
Yes, I did say that. But I'm considering some other financial options right now... so back off.
But anyways... I got sidetracked there. April 1st is going to be a new beginning around here. So bite me March!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
That's how I got my M16A2 combat rifle.
I was half way through an intersection yesterday when the car in front of me comes to a complete stop. The driver gets out. Holds up one finger to me to say "hold on a sec". Goes around to the front of her car and picks up a huge machete off the road. She shows it to me, and we both just shake our heads. Then she puts it in her car and drives away.
True story.
True story.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
McDonalds... here I come.
It was a crazy week. So crazy that on Saturday we realized that the deep freeze had been unplugged since Tuesday. Whoops. We lost two huge trash bags full of food. Then we went to Costco and spent $200 filling it back up.
Then on Monday night at dinner the ice machine wouldn't spit out any ice. Larry opened the freezer door and water was dripping from the ice maker. Not just a little water. A waterfall of water. At first I thought the ice machine had broken. But wait... then why the water? Wouldn't that just mean no ice? No, this is water... as in melted ice. As in not cold! Crap.
So I went to Walmart and got two thermometers and put one each in the fridge and freezer. Sure enough... warm.
I know what you're thinking. "Hey Ashley, didn't you just buy that fridge like a year ago?" Yes. Yes, I did... thanks for noticing. But it's not under warranty so it doesn't matter.
I called Sears and they sent someone out. A man larger than the fridge itself came out and looked at it. Not fixed it. Looked at it. He will be back Friday to actually fix it. We will be living out of two coolers until then. Cause there is nothing I like better than having everything I take out of the "fridge" dripping wet with ice water.
No No No... What's better than everything being all wet is when the little foil top on the yogurt kinda opens and water gets in it and then everything is covered in a nice yogurt water. THAT'S THE BEST!!!
Then on Monday night at dinner the ice machine wouldn't spit out any ice. Larry opened the freezer door and water was dripping from the ice maker. Not just a little water. A waterfall of water. At first I thought the ice machine had broken. But wait... then why the water? Wouldn't that just mean no ice? No, this is water... as in melted ice. As in not cold! Crap.
So I went to Walmart and got two thermometers and put one each in the fridge and freezer. Sure enough... warm.
I know what you're thinking. "Hey Ashley, didn't you just buy that fridge like a year ago?" Yes. Yes, I did... thanks for noticing. But it's not under warranty so it doesn't matter.
I called Sears and they sent someone out. A man larger than the fridge itself came out and looked at it. Not fixed it. Looked at it. He will be back Friday to actually fix it. We will be living out of two coolers until then. Cause there is nothing I like better than having everything I take out of the "fridge" dripping wet with ice water.
No No No... What's better than everything being all wet is when the little foil top on the yogurt kinda opens and water gets in it and then everything is covered in a nice yogurt water. THAT'S THE BEST!!!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
The curse of the last car payment
We have one payment left on Larry's I even need to tell you the rest of this story? I mean, really. Don't you already know where I'm going?
During dinner on Friday night Larry mentioned how his car needs an inspection when we renew the tags... in May. He reminded me that both the check engine and air bag lights are on. I knew this. The air bag light as been on for YEARS. There is a reason for this. The light came on a long time ago, while the car was still under warranty. They fixed it, but the bill would have been about $2,000. So when it came back on after the warranty was up we never bothered to have anyone look at it. Of course, this fact has slipped our mind. The air bag light is just a way of life now. Hardly even notice it anymore.
But for some reason, now Larry talking about actually having to get it fixed reminded me how expensive it is. The car is only worth $2,000. I really don't want to pay $2,000 to fix a $2,000 car. A car that if it lasts another year I will be shocked. Don't forget that the check engine light is also on. It's on for a reason no doubt.
Ok, well whatever. We will just get a new car. We have til the end of May to shop around, save money, get ready to buy Larry a new car.
Then on Saturday we were pulling into the driveway...
Larry: "It's March"
Me: "It's MARCH?"
Larry: "Yeah, March."
I walk over the car and there it is, MAR, in all it's capitalized orange glory, "Well that sucks!"
So we don't have til May... we have til March.
This same thing happened when we bought the van. We had just paid off Larry's truck the month before and then his car just stopped running. He was driving home from work and the car just quit. No more. All done. I was waiting for him to come home from work. He was late. And then I see him and his brother come walking around the corner. lol. That's never good.
So we went that weekend and bought the van. Larry took my car and I've been driving the van ever since.
But I really wanted to be ready to buy a car this time. Not under the gun to buy a car because we NEED it, but because it was the right time. I was feeling frustrated because it seems like every time I have to buy a car it's an emergency. I hate spending large sums of money like that. AND it seems like the car we are trading in is always worth nothing.
But, ya know, if Larry's car was still good then we would keep it. And we would keep it until it had no more value to us. Then I would be complaining that we drive our cars into the ground. So I guess I can't win. You can use a car up and then expect to get some actual trade in value for it.
During dinner on Friday night Larry mentioned how his car needs an inspection when we renew the tags... in May. He reminded me that both the check engine and air bag lights are on. I knew this. The air bag light as been on for YEARS. There is a reason for this. The light came on a long time ago, while the car was still under warranty. They fixed it, but the bill would have been about $2,000. So when it came back on after the warranty was up we never bothered to have anyone look at it. Of course, this fact has slipped our mind. The air bag light is just a way of life now. Hardly even notice it anymore.
But for some reason, now Larry talking about actually having to get it fixed reminded me how expensive it is. The car is only worth $2,000. I really don't want to pay $2,000 to fix a $2,000 car. A car that if it lasts another year I will be shocked. Don't forget that the check engine light is also on. It's on for a reason no doubt.
Ok, well whatever. We will just get a new car. We have til the end of May to shop around, save money, get ready to buy Larry a new car.
Then on Saturday we were pulling into the driveway...
Larry: "It's March"
Me: "It's MARCH?"
Larry: "Yeah, March."
I walk over the car and there it is, MAR, in all it's capitalized orange glory, "Well that sucks!"
So we don't have til May... we have til March.
This same thing happened when we bought the van. We had just paid off Larry's truck the month before and then his car just stopped running. He was driving home from work and the car just quit. No more. All done. I was waiting for him to come home from work. He was late. And then I see him and his brother come walking around the corner. lol. That's never good.
So we went that weekend and bought the van. Larry took my car and I've been driving the van ever since.
But I really wanted to be ready to buy a car this time. Not under the gun to buy a car because we NEED it, but because it was the right time. I was feeling frustrated because it seems like every time I have to buy a car it's an emergency. I hate spending large sums of money like that. AND it seems like the car we are trading in is always worth nothing.
But, ya know, if Larry's car was still good then we would keep it. And we would keep it until it had no more value to us. Then I would be complaining that we drive our cars into the ground. So I guess I can't win. You can use a car up and then expect to get some actual trade in value for it.
Monday, February 15, 2010
4 sentences
Insane is letting your preschooler be in charge of the paper shredder.
Stupid is letting the paper shredder get overflowingly full.
Frustration is watching your preschooler spill a half gallon of shredded paper on the rug.
Fear is yelling "Connor NOOOoooooooo!" as your preschooler tries to turn on the fan.
Stupid is letting the paper shredder get overflowingly full.
Frustration is watching your preschooler spill a half gallon of shredded paper on the rug.
Fear is yelling "Connor NOOOoooooooo!" as your preschooler tries to turn on the fan.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Larry was putting Connor to bed the other day:
Connor: "My nose isn't running anymore. I don't have a cold anymore."
Larry: "I'm glad you feel better."
Connor: "You don't have to give me the pink."
Larry: "Oh yeah, you don't like the pink?"
Connor: "No. I think it makes me sleep!"
(Holy self-awareness batman!)
Connor, pulling out a packet of Mad Libs: "Do you want crunchy, hot, slimy, or umm... sparkly?"
(I thought that was so smart... they are all adjectives!)
Connor was wearing a new shirt.
Connor: "I spilled yogurt on my shirt!" and starts to cry.
Me: "No. No. It's ok, no big deal." I wipe it with a towel and it's fine.
Connor: "I just don't like it when I spill yogurt on my beautiful shirt."
Connor: "My nose isn't running anymore. I don't have a cold anymore."
Larry: "I'm glad you feel better."
Connor: "You don't have to give me the pink."
Larry: "Oh yeah, you don't like the pink?"
Connor: "No. I think it makes me sleep!"
(Holy self-awareness batman!)
Connor, pulling out a packet of Mad Libs: "Do you want crunchy, hot, slimy, or umm... sparkly?"
(I thought that was so smart... they are all adjectives!)
Connor was wearing a new shirt.
Connor: "I spilled yogurt on my shirt!" and starts to cry.
Me: "No. No. It's ok, no big deal." I wipe it with a towel and it's fine.
Connor: "I just don't like it when I spill yogurt on my beautiful shirt."
Monday, February 8, 2010
We had Connor's party on Sunday. We do a Superbowl/ birthday party every year. And every year it gets less Superbowl and more birthday. This time no one even stayed for the Superbowl. Which was totally fine. The party was fun. And as always we had way too much food.
Before the party I fainted in the kitchen. I just passed out. I didn't feel dizzy or anything. I had gotten up and went straight downstairs still in jammies. I put the meatballs in the crockpot and then went and sat down on the couch with kids for about 15 minutes. I did feel a bit foggy. Kinda like I couldn't really wake up. Then I walked over to the kitchen island and there was a glass of tea sitting there. I wanted it. I kept thinking about how I wanted it but I didn't reach out and grab it or anything. Like I couldn't really figure out how to get it.
Then I was lying in bed coming out of a dream. Then I heard Larry's voice coming through a thick fog "What happened?" I opened my eyes and I'm on the kitchen floor with Larry and the kids all hovered around. "I have no idea." I say and start to cry. I get up and Larry helps me over to the couch.
Larry said right before I passed out I asked him if there was anything he wanted me to do and that he said we needed to sweep the kitchen floor... but I have no memory of this. He said he looked down at the floor as he answered and when he looked back he saw my arm disappear behind the island... and then he heard me hit the floor.
I didn't hurt myself when I fell. I fell to the side, which is weird. So my hip hit first, which is sore, then my shoulder, and finally my head. But nothing hurts except my hip. My head just feels like Connor whacked it with a toy or something... and believe me I know how that feels.
I went to the doctor and they did an EKG and said everything was fine there. She thinks I had low blood sugar and told me to make sure I get at least 60 grams of protein a day. So I'll do that. Hopefully I can stay conscious from now on.
Before the party I fainted in the kitchen. I just passed out. I didn't feel dizzy or anything. I had gotten up and went straight downstairs still in jammies. I put the meatballs in the crockpot and then went and sat down on the couch with kids for about 15 minutes. I did feel a bit foggy. Kinda like I couldn't really wake up. Then I walked over to the kitchen island and there was a glass of tea sitting there. I wanted it. I kept thinking about how I wanted it but I didn't reach out and grab it or anything. Like I couldn't really figure out how to get it.
Then I was lying in bed coming out of a dream. Then I heard Larry's voice coming through a thick fog "What happened?" I opened my eyes and I'm on the kitchen floor with Larry and the kids all hovered around. "I have no idea." I say and start to cry. I get up and Larry helps me over to the couch.
Larry said right before I passed out I asked him if there was anything he wanted me to do and that he said we needed to sweep the kitchen floor... but I have no memory of this. He said he looked down at the floor as he answered and when he looked back he saw my arm disappear behind the island... and then he heard me hit the floor.
I didn't hurt myself when I fell. I fell to the side, which is weird. So my hip hit first, which is sore, then my shoulder, and finally my head. But nothing hurts except my hip. My head just feels like Connor whacked it with a toy or something... and believe me I know how that feels.
I went to the doctor and they did an EKG and said everything was fine there. She thinks I had low blood sugar and told me to make sure I get at least 60 grams of protein a day. So I'll do that. Hopefully I can stay conscious from now on.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Happy Birthday Connor!
Yesterday was Connor's birthday. He's 4! I can't believe it. I cried. Actually I didn't cry yesterday. I cried on Wednesday because it was the last day I would ever own a 3 year old. boo hoo. I dropped him off at preschool and had to hold back the tears at how cute he was. Never to be 3 again.
His birthday was a big day. We made cupcakes together after we put Maddy on the bus. I really tried to let him do everything himself. He even cracked the eggs AND used the ice cream scoop to put the batter into the cupcake pan. Yes, I was very brave.
After lunch Connor had a field trip with his preschool class. They are doing a dinosaur theme in his class and they went on a dinosaur dig. It was so cute. There is a place not to far where they have a lake, nature walks, ect. It's nice. Apparently they also have a big sand pit where dinosaur bones are hidden. You can dig them up. The kids loved it. Connor yelled "I found a dinosaur bone! Keep digging guys!"
After the dino dig they played with a parachute. You know, the big round sheet and all the kids stand around it holding an edge. Then they put their arms up, and down, and up and then run under it. I loved those as a kid. I was kinda hoping they would let the moms play too... but it was just for kids. Too bad.
Then we went on a nature walk around the lake. Saw all the flowers and cactus. Some birds, some fish. And plenty of ducks. Pretty cute.
I put him down for a nap when we got home. I didn't think he would sleep since it was past the time he normally wakes up but I didn't hear a peep out of him. After he woke up we opened presents. He got a camera (sweet!), a light saber, and an Imagination Movers CD.
Larry made pancakes for dinner as requested by the birthday boy. Then we sang Happy Birthday and ate the cupcakes. I couldn't find the birthday candles so I improvised with tea lights. 4 little tea lights. He didn't seem to care.
I took him to the doctor today. He weighs 50 pounds and is 42.5 inches tall. Which is 90th percentile for height and off the charts for weight. I knew he was big.
His birthday was a big day. We made cupcakes together after we put Maddy on the bus. I really tried to let him do everything himself. He even cracked the eggs AND used the ice cream scoop to put the batter into the cupcake pan. Yes, I was very brave.
After lunch Connor had a field trip with his preschool class. They are doing a dinosaur theme in his class and they went on a dinosaur dig. It was so cute. There is a place not to far where they have a lake, nature walks, ect. It's nice. Apparently they also have a big sand pit where dinosaur bones are hidden. You can dig them up. The kids loved it. Connor yelled "I found a dinosaur bone! Keep digging guys!"
After the dino dig they played with a parachute. You know, the big round sheet and all the kids stand around it holding an edge. Then they put their arms up, and down, and up and then run under it. I loved those as a kid. I was kinda hoping they would let the moms play too... but it was just for kids. Too bad.
Then we went on a nature walk around the lake. Saw all the flowers and cactus. Some birds, some fish. And plenty of ducks. Pretty cute.
I put him down for a nap when we got home. I didn't think he would sleep since it was past the time he normally wakes up but I didn't hear a peep out of him. After he woke up we opened presents. He got a camera (sweet!), a light saber, and an Imagination Movers CD.
Larry made pancakes for dinner as requested by the birthday boy. Then we sang Happy Birthday and ate the cupcakes. I couldn't find the birthday candles so I improvised with tea lights. 4 little tea lights. He didn't seem to care.
I took him to the doctor today. He weighs 50 pounds and is 42.5 inches tall. Which is 90th percentile for height and off the charts for weight. I knew he was big.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Minor successes at 4:30 am
So couple of months ago I talked about how getting Connor to go pee by himself during the night. And how I think it may be the last hurdle to me sleeping through the night on a permanent basis. We still haven't been having much luck with that until last night.
We had been making such a big deal about him going potty by himself that I think he was feeling like he couldn't call us. Which wasn't true. We still went each time he called but it was always accompanied with a lecture about how big boys go potty alone. This finally came to a head the past few mornings with him wetting the bed because he won't go potty alone and he won't call me.
I asked him why he didn't call me or go potty. He said that it was 6:00 and he was too scared to go potty by himself. Which I don't understand because every morning at 7:00 he comes bouncing into my room. So it's too scary at 6:59, but not at 7:00? I guess my "Don't wake Mommy til 7:00" training took hold a little too well.
So I told him he can go potty in my bathroom during the night if he wants. He liked that. I'm not sure how that is less scary since it's much farther from his room, and he has to walk right past the hall bathroom to get there, but he seemed to go for it. Maybe he just wants us close in case there are technical difficulties. Maybe a wardrobe malfunction.
Well, apparently that is what he wanted to hear because when I came home from school last night Larry said that between bedtime and 9:30 Connor went potty alone about 27 times. That's fine, I figured that would happen once he embraced this new found freedom.
The real test came this morning at about 4:30. I woke up to Connor in our room saying "Um... Guys?" Larry was the first one conscious.
"Do you need to go potty, bub?"
"Ok, go ahead."
And he did! I even got a kiss on the way back to his bed. Love it.
He is still going to wake me up but I don't have to get out of bed. We are one mini step closer to no more midnight potty breaks.
We had been making such a big deal about him going potty by himself that I think he was feeling like he couldn't call us. Which wasn't true. We still went each time he called but it was always accompanied with a lecture about how big boys go potty alone. This finally came to a head the past few mornings with him wetting the bed because he won't go potty alone and he won't call me.
I asked him why he didn't call me or go potty. He said that it was 6:00 and he was too scared to go potty by himself. Which I don't understand because every morning at 7:00 he comes bouncing into my room. So it's too scary at 6:59, but not at 7:00? I guess my "Don't wake Mommy til 7:00" training took hold a little too well.
So I told him he can go potty in my bathroom during the night if he wants. He liked that. I'm not sure how that is less scary since it's much farther from his room, and he has to walk right past the hall bathroom to get there, but he seemed to go for it. Maybe he just wants us close in case there are technical difficulties. Maybe a wardrobe malfunction.
Well, apparently that is what he wanted to hear because when I came home from school last night Larry said that between bedtime and 9:30 Connor went potty alone about 27 times. That's fine, I figured that would happen once he embraced this new found freedom.
The real test came this morning at about 4:30. I woke up to Connor in our room saying "Um... Guys?" Larry was the first one conscious.
"Do you need to go potty, bub?"
"Ok, go ahead."
And he did! I even got a kiss on the way back to his bed. Love it.
He is still going to wake me up but I don't have to get out of bed. We are one mini step closer to no more midnight potty breaks.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Homework. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
The Good:
Having Connor in preschool two hours a day, three days a week is awesome. Unfortunately, I could easily putter around the house for two hours and never actually DO anything. So I made some ground rules about the things I'm allowed to do while he is at school. Those things are limited to cleaning, homework, and exercise. No TV. No internet. It makes me very productive.
I am currently caught up on homework for the whole week. That means 4 whole days of no homework hanging over my head. 4 WHOLE DAYS!
My goal is to get through this semester without having a nervous breakdown. So far so good. :)
The Bad:
I found out today that Maddy has been lying about getting her homework done. Quite a bit of her homework is to do certain things for a specified amount of time. Such as read for 20 minutes. Not really a way to verify actual reading was done, other than to sit and watch her read. And who wants to do that? I've been trusting her that she was doing it. My mistake.
In her defense she really does have a lot of homework. It's not hard, but it is time consuming. Easily over an hour a day. (None on Friday's or the weekend) Add in Girl Scouts and Gymnastics and she has a busy schedule.
Anyways, lately I've been thinking that she might be cutting corners on the amount of time she spends on things. Maybe reading for 10 minutes instead of 20. For example, I sent her upstairs to do her math flash cards for 30 minutes and then take a shower. She was back down stairs in less than 45 minutes. It's possible that she did what she was supposed to do, but not likely. I've known Maddy for over 8 years now and she hasn't ever been quite that efficient.
Today when she came home from school I asked her about it. If she has been skimping on minutes of homework. She said no. I asked again. She said no. I asked again ("Is that your final answer?"). She buried her face in her hands and started to cry. That's what I thought.
The Ugly:
I've taken TV away for today and then all of next week. And I'm sitting on her bed monitoring the homework as I type. No fun for anyone.
Having Connor in preschool two hours a day, three days a week is awesome. Unfortunately, I could easily putter around the house for two hours and never actually DO anything. So I made some ground rules about the things I'm allowed to do while he is at school. Those things are limited to cleaning, homework, and exercise. No TV. No internet. It makes me very productive.
I am currently caught up on homework for the whole week. That means 4 whole days of no homework hanging over my head. 4 WHOLE DAYS!
My goal is to get through this semester without having a nervous breakdown. So far so good. :)
The Bad:
I found out today that Maddy has been lying about getting her homework done. Quite a bit of her homework is to do certain things for a specified amount of time. Such as read for 20 minutes. Not really a way to verify actual reading was done, other than to sit and watch her read. And who wants to do that? I've been trusting her that she was doing it. My mistake.
In her defense she really does have a lot of homework. It's not hard, but it is time consuming. Easily over an hour a day. (None on Friday's or the weekend) Add in Girl Scouts and Gymnastics and she has a busy schedule.
Anyways, lately I've been thinking that she might be cutting corners on the amount of time she spends on things. Maybe reading for 10 minutes instead of 20. For example, I sent her upstairs to do her math flash cards for 30 minutes and then take a shower. She was back down stairs in less than 45 minutes. It's possible that she did what she was supposed to do, but not likely. I've known Maddy for over 8 years now and she hasn't ever been quite that efficient.
Today when she came home from school I asked her about it. If she has been skimping on minutes of homework. She said no. I asked again. She said no. I asked again ("Is that your final answer?"). She buried her face in her hands and started to cry. That's what I thought.
The Ugly:
I've taken TV away for today and then all of next week. And I'm sitting on her bed monitoring the homework as I type. No fun for anyone.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Loud Noises!
I wanted to tell you all that. But I'm too lazy.
Connor had a fire drill at school today. This was very disturbing. It was the first thing he said to me when I picked him and the only thing he talked about until lunch.
"We had a loud noise in our school."
"Oh, yeah? Did you have to go outside?"
"Yeah. We went outside and then it stopped."
"Was it a fire drill?"
We get into the car.
"It was such a loud noise."... "I had to put my hands over my ears."... "It's nothing to be afraid of"... "It was so loud."
I order into the speaker.
"It went HONK! HONK! HONK!"... "It's nothing to be afraid of"... "It was so loud."
I apologize at the first window because I don't have my wallet.
"We had to go outside and then it stopped.".... "It was such a loud noise."... "I had to put my hands over my ears."... "It was nothing to be afraid of."
I get home and put together a couple of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
"I want my sandwich cut into 4 triangles."
"Yes dear."
He picked it up again when he woke up from his nap. He had to tell Larry all about it. Only in the second running of it did I find out there was also a fire truck involved. You would think that a 3 year old boy might mention a fire truck being at his school. But that is how unsettling the whole loud noise thing was.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Off to preschool
I signed Connor up for preschool. I've been kinda thinking about it since the end of last semester since he loved the preschool at MCC so much. He even told Larry that he likes it better when he goes to school too. He just loves to do stuff. He loves to be active, and learn, and be around other kids. I felt bad that he was going to be stuck home with me for another year and half.
They have a preschool at Maddy's school. My friend is an aide in one of the classes there and she is always talking about the fun stuff they do. I knew Connor would LOVE it. So on Thursday I called over there to see how much it cost and if they had an opening. I figured they would be full and it would be expensive.
It's $190 a month for 3 days a week. Which isn't too bad. It's a little more than they charged at MCC and it's for fewer hours per week. But still, it's not terrible and it's actually at the school that he will be going to Kindergarten. They had one opening in the AM class so I went right down there and signed him up. Like RIGHT down there. I was racing an imaginary mom who knew also knew about the very last opening. But she isn't as put together as I am. Her son isn't as well behaved as mine. So while she was trying to find her keys and struggling with her out of control toddler, I was already on my way.
First I had to go the district headquarters to submit my application and pay my money. Then I had to go the school and fill out a stack of paperwork. This is a public school after all. I might be paying with my own after tax money, but it's still a government agency. And with the government comes plenty of paperwork. I would think they would know my name, Connor's name, Connor's age, his birthday, our address, and every contact number I have after the first 10 pages. But I guess not since I had to fill everything out on every single page. And then they just put it in a folder and file it. No one even looked at it. Whatever.
Once I had killed a tree and paid my money I asked if we could meet the teacher and see the room. No. That's it.. just "No". Not that I could make an appointment. Not that I could come back at 3:00. Just "No." It was after Connor's nap and I didn't feel like pushing the issue right then. I just left it at that.
But they are crazy if they think I'm going to send my 3 year old off with someone that I've never even had eye contact with. Sorry, ain't gunna happen. So first thing Friday morning I went back down there and said I was there to visit Maddy's class. Which I did.. technically. I went down there and gave her a hug. Then, as I was leaving, I just happened upon the preschool class and just by coincidence came across Connor's new teacher. So weird!
She is very sweet and wasn't at all offended by my appearance. She introduced Connor to the class and gave me a big stack of papers that explained everything about her class. AND it also happens to be the same class that my friend works in. We are all excited about that.
Connor in school means that I will be home alone. ALONE. Which is truly strange. I have mixed feelings about it. I'm excited to have this bit of freedom, but I also feel like I'm losing a part of myself. Who am I if I don't have Connor following me everywhere? Two whole hours, three days a week to do anything I want. It will be nice when school starts. I can get homework done, or work stuff, or clean. Maybe I can even get through this semester without having a breakdown. Wouldn't that be nice?
They have a preschool at Maddy's school. My friend is an aide in one of the classes there and she is always talking about the fun stuff they do. I knew Connor would LOVE it. So on Thursday I called over there to see how much it cost and if they had an opening. I figured they would be full and it would be expensive.
It's $190 a month for 3 days a week. Which isn't too bad. It's a little more than they charged at MCC and it's for fewer hours per week. But still, it's not terrible and it's actually at the school that he will be going to Kindergarten. They had one opening in the AM class so I went right down there and signed him up. Like RIGHT down there. I was racing an imaginary mom who knew also knew about the very last opening. But she isn't as put together as I am. Her son isn't as well behaved as mine. So while she was trying to find her keys and struggling with her out of control toddler, I was already on my way.
First I had to go the district headquarters to submit my application and pay my money. Then I had to go the school and fill out a stack of paperwork. This is a public school after all. I might be paying with my own after tax money, but it's still a government agency. And with the government comes plenty of paperwork. I would think they would know my name, Connor's name, Connor's age, his birthday, our address, and every contact number I have after the first 10 pages. But I guess not since I had to fill everything out on every single page. And then they just put it in a folder and file it. No one even looked at it. Whatever.
Once I had killed a tree and paid my money I asked if we could meet the teacher and see the room. No. That's it.. just "No". Not that I could make an appointment. Not that I could come back at 3:00. Just "No." It was after Connor's nap and I didn't feel like pushing the issue right then. I just left it at that.
But they are crazy if they think I'm going to send my 3 year old off with someone that I've never even had eye contact with. Sorry, ain't gunna happen. So first thing Friday morning I went back down there and said I was there to visit Maddy's class. Which I did.. technically. I went down there and gave her a hug. Then, as I was leaving, I just happened upon the preschool class and just by coincidence came across Connor's new teacher. So weird!
She is very sweet and wasn't at all offended by my appearance. She introduced Connor to the class and gave me a big stack of papers that explained everything about her class. AND it also happens to be the same class that my friend works in. We are all excited about that.
Connor in school means that I will be home alone. ALONE. Which is truly strange. I have mixed feelings about it. I'm excited to have this bit of freedom, but I also feel like I'm losing a part of myself. Who am I if I don't have Connor following me everywhere? Two whole hours, three days a week to do anything I want. It will be nice when school starts. I can get homework done, or work stuff, or clean. Maybe I can even get through this semester without having a breakdown. Wouldn't that be nice?
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Party Crashers
The dish guy moved out! We have new neighbors already and they seem nice. An olderish couple. Not old, middle aged. Adults. I'm so happy.
But their last night in the house the idiots threw what I think MIGHT have been a going away party for them. Or maybe it was just a coincidence. Don't know... don't care. We were annoyed but tolerating the cars, and people, and underlying knowledge that laws were being broken. We were getting ready for bed and I was picking up some of the kids stuff. I went to put some things at Maddy's door and I heard what sounded like a TV on in another room. I did a little investigating and there were about 5 or 6 people standing right under Maddy's window being drunkenly loud. I watched them for a few minutes and someone threw a can into the bushes across the street. I went to go find Larry to tell him to call the cops and find him already on the phone with them.
We kept watch for about another hour or so but no one ever came so we went to bed. We were leaving for Disney in the morning and I didn't want to start the vacation all tired. I figured they wouldn't come.
In the morning I went around and picked up all the beer cans, soda cans, and gum wrappers (drunk driving much?) and put them on the idiots lawn. Then I emailed my neighbor and told her what happened and asked her to keep an eye on the house for us.
While we were at Disneyland my neighbor sent me an email that said the cops DID show up and blocked off the cul-de-sac and sat there all night. She said people would pull up and just turn around and leave. :) Yay! Well at least we ruined their party.
Then after we got home from Disney another neighbor flagged us down and asked us what we knew about the cops being here. (And sadly I had to ask "Which time?") She told us that the night of the party they arrested some people for underage drinking. Wohoo!
I tried to watch the security camera videos from that night but they had already been taped over. Bummer.
But their last night in the house the idiots threw what I think MIGHT have been a going away party for them. Or maybe it was just a coincidence. Don't know... don't care. We were annoyed but tolerating the cars, and people, and underlying knowledge that laws were being broken. We were getting ready for bed and I was picking up some of the kids stuff. I went to put some things at Maddy's door and I heard what sounded like a TV on in another room. I did a little investigating and there were about 5 or 6 people standing right under Maddy's window being drunkenly loud. I watched them for a few minutes and someone threw a can into the bushes across the street. I went to go find Larry to tell him to call the cops and find him already on the phone with them.
We kept watch for about another hour or so but no one ever came so we went to bed. We were leaving for Disney in the morning and I didn't want to start the vacation all tired. I figured they wouldn't come.
In the morning I went around and picked up all the beer cans, soda cans, and gum wrappers (drunk driving much?) and put them on the idiots lawn. Then I emailed my neighbor and told her what happened and asked her to keep an eye on the house for us.
While we were at Disneyland my neighbor sent me an email that said the cops DID show up and blocked off the cul-de-sac and sat there all night. She said people would pull up and just turn around and leave. :) Yay! Well at least we ruined their party.
Then after we got home from Disney another neighbor flagged us down and asked us what we knew about the cops being here. (And sadly I had to ask "Which time?") She told us that the night of the party they arrested some people for underage drinking. Wohoo!
I tried to watch the security camera videos from that night but they had already been taped over. Bummer.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Disneyland.... again
We went to Disneyland last week. Which was a blast as always. We went on Splash Mountain and they put Connor in the last seat with Larry. Larry said as the ride started to go over the big drop Connor said "Oh No!" and then a huge splash came over the side and just drenched him. I turned around after the drop and he was just about to cry. And through tears he said "I think I need to be a little bigger to ride Splash Mountain". Aww. He was absolutely soaked. Dripping wet. Poor guy. He was a TROOPER about it though. We left his wet clothes on until sundown but then it started to get chilly. His shirt was basically dry by then but his jeans were still soaked through. So we bought him a pair of sweatpants to wear. He liked that.
On the first day I lost the camera at lunch. I left it hanging around the back of my chair. Maddy and I went on Indiana Jones after lunch and Connor and Larry went to do something else and then we met up at Pirates. We are standing in line and Larry says "Wheres the camera?" I about had a heart attack. I went running the restaurant but it was gone. I asked one guy who worked there if anyone had turned it in. He left for a minute and then said "no". I was crushed. But I couldn't accept that I couldn't believe that in Disneyland of all places our camera would get stolen. Then I saw a guy who I had seen cleaning the dining area while we were eating so I went and asked him if he knew anything. He left, but this time I followed, and he went and asked someone else. The guy he asked said "Oh a CAMERA! I thought he said Cameron. Yeah it's at City Hall." Yay!!! We went to City Hall and they had it. Phew. I knew no one would steal our camera at Disneyland.
So later in the day we left our stroller in the stroller parking while we rode the red train. When we got back someone had taken my drink off the stroller but left me a half eaten bag of mixed nuts. So they might not steal your camera, but they will trade your iced tea for some cashews.
On the first day I lost the camera at lunch. I left it hanging around the back of my chair. Maddy and I went on Indiana Jones after lunch and Connor and Larry went to do something else and then we met up at Pirates. We are standing in line and Larry says "Wheres the camera?" I about had a heart attack. I went running the restaurant but it was gone. I asked one guy who worked there if anyone had turned it in. He left for a minute and then said "no". I was crushed. But I couldn't accept that I couldn't believe that in Disneyland of all places our camera would get stolen. Then I saw a guy who I had seen cleaning the dining area while we were eating so I went and asked him if he knew anything. He left, but this time I followed, and he went and asked someone else. The guy he asked said "Oh a CAMERA! I thought he said Cameron. Yeah it's at City Hall." Yay!!! We went to City Hall and they had it. Phew. I knew no one would steal our camera at Disneyland.
So later in the day we left our stroller in the stroller parking while we rode the red train. When we got back someone had taken my drink off the stroller but left me a half eaten bag of mixed nuts. So they might not steal your camera, but they will trade your iced tea for some cashews.
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