Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Years Eve!

It's cold! It was 38 on Red's walk this morning. There was actual ice in the grass. It's been raining so there was water in the water retention and it was frozen. Not thick slippery ice, thin crunchy ice. I told Connor to go down there and step on it. He wouldn't. He got close but the grass was also frozen, which freaked him out. So I had him hold Red's leash and I went down and crunched some ice to show him it wasn't scary. It didn't work.

So I had to bring Red down there and hold his hand while he carefully put his little shoe on the edge of the ice and CRUNCH! He thought that was pretty cool. He talked about it for the rest of the walk.

"Imagine if rain was frozen! That would be so cool!"
"You know what frozen rain is called?"

My poor little Arizona boy.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch