Friday, December 24, 2010

Drama in the cul-de-sac

I should probably tell you about my dads trip. He stayed with us for a couple of days. It was nice. The kids had a blast having grandpa around. I could also wish you a very Merry Christmas! But instead I will tell you about the goings on of the cul-de-sac last night.

First off let me remind you of last year's christmas eve.

So last night Larry and I are having some drinks by the light of the Christmas tree and just talking cause you know how it is going on vacation and having house guests. We haven't spoken to each other in like 5 days. So we are sitting in the living room with no lights on except the white lights of the tree.

Larry hears something going on outside and gets up to look out the front window. He says "There is some guy out there that looks like the belongs in the Grateful Dead. Long grey hair. He's taking stuff out of a pick up and putting in on the grass."

So I get up and look out the window of the front door. And sure enough there is some old hippie dude walking around under the street light and a huge white pick up truck. With him is this tatooed punk looking guy. I can't see what they are doing cause whatever they are putting on the grass is behind a huge bush. But they are acting really strange. They would work on whatever was in the grass for a minute and then one of them would go out into the middle of the street and get down on his hands and knees and look at their work.

Keep in mind that it is 10:00 at night on Dec 23rd. What on earth are they up to?

Then a giant gets out of the truck. No seriously. A giant. This guy was HUGE! He made the other guys, who didn't look little before, look like midgets. He wasn't fat, just BIG in everyway.

Then the big dude takes the truck and parks it right next to our house in the street. So Larry goes out into the back yard to see if he can overhear them talking. I go to the window and now they really start to make me nervous. They pick up whatever was in the grass, which now I can kinda see made of shiny metal and start running around the cul-de-sac. But all crouched down and hiding behind bushes.

I'm seriously ready to call the cops at this point.

Then Larry comes back in and they are hiding behind bushes right infront of his car so he flashes the lights. This startles them but they don't leave. Which now I'm curious because if they were up to no good I would think this would get them to leave.

A few seconds later the three of them are pushing a car down the street on this dolly thingy. They push it over behind the truck that is parked next to the house and we hear hydraulics.

Ahhh... repo men.

That explains everything.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch