Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Take a drink everytime I say "resolution"

It's getting to that time of year again. New Year's Resolution time!

First lets take a look back at last year's resolutions and see we did.

My 2009 resolutions were:
1. To be more stylish (not measurable, but I would say met.)
2. To make $5,000 through diversifying my income (met)
3. Paint a room (met)

I did a mid year review of my resolutions back in June. I'm pretty much is the same boat as I was then except that I painted Connor's room over Thanksgiving weekend. In June I had only painted the office, and I really didn't feel like that counted. But now I have an actual room in the house painted. So met. I'm very proud to have met all of last year's resolutions.

So looking ahead to the end of 2010. Connor will be almost 5. Maddy will be 9 and in 3rd grade. Wow and wow.

My 2010 resolutions are:
1. Get my associates degree: I'm on track for this. 4 more classes at two classes per semester = one year.
2. Pay off non mortgage debt and not take on any new debt: This should happen if everything goes to plan. I think the not taking on new debt will be the hardest part.
3. Get my hair done at least 3 times: Yes, 3 times a YEAR. What can I say? I'm not a typical girl.
4. Do something together as a family at least once a month: I know this is kinda sad to have to plan this. But it's actually hard since Maddy is gone for half the weekends. And by something I mean like, go to the movies, or play a game. Something where we are all having the same experience at the same time. Ha, easier said than done! Our excuse in the past has always been that Connor is too little. But we can't really use that one anymore since he's going to be 4 in like 6 weeks.

I tried to make them more measurable than last years. #4 is the first time I've made a resolution that requires a monthly action. So we'll see how that goes. I want to keep up my winning streak, so I'll do my best.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch