Friday, July 30, 2010

Kindergarten tease; part 2

So the school called yesterday.
"Connor is going to be in preschool this year right?"
"Yes" thinking, wow, they actually figured out the preschool/ kindergarten mixup on their own. Nice.
"Ok, we are going to need his birth certificate, shot records, and proof of residency. Can you bring that by today?"
"Well, can't you use what I submitted last year?"
"Oh, he was enrolled here last year? Hold on a second." ..............................................................................................................................................................
............................................................................... "Ok I found his chart, you're all set."
"Also, just to let you know, I got a letter saying he was going to be in Kindergarten this year. You might want to look into that."
"Ok, thanks, I will"

Jeeze louise! Did his chart slip behind the filing cabinet or something? Seriously. I don't know what the heck is going on over there. These are the people I'm trusting to educate my children and they can't even keep track of their own... um... behinds.


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