Friday, February 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Connor!

Yesterday was Connor's birthday. He's 4! I can't believe it. I cried. Actually I didn't cry yesterday. I cried on Wednesday because it was the last day I would ever own a 3 year old. boo hoo. I dropped him off at preschool and had to hold back the tears at how cute he was. Never to be 3 again.

His birthday was a big day. We made cupcakes together after we put Maddy on the bus. I really tried to let him do everything himself. He even cracked the eggs AND used the ice cream scoop to put the batter into the cupcake pan. Yes, I was very brave.

After lunch Connor had a field trip with his preschool class. They are doing a dinosaur theme in his class and they went on a dinosaur dig. It was so cute. There is a place not to far where they have a lake, nature walks, ect. It's nice. Apparently they also have a big sand pit where dinosaur bones are hidden. You can dig them up. The kids loved it. Connor yelled "I found a dinosaur bone! Keep digging guys!"

After the dino dig they played with a parachute. You know, the big round sheet and all the kids stand around it holding an edge. Then they put their arms up, and down, and up and then run under it. I loved those as a kid. I was kinda hoping they would let the moms play too... but it was just for kids. Too bad.

Then we went on a nature walk around the lake. Saw all the flowers and cactus. Some birds, some fish. And plenty of ducks. Pretty cute.

I put him down for a nap when we got home. I didn't think he would sleep since it was past the time he normally wakes up but I didn't hear a peep out of him. After he woke up we opened presents. He got a camera (sweet!), a light saber, and an Imagination Movers CD.

Larry made pancakes for dinner as requested by the birthday boy. Then we sang Happy Birthday and ate the cupcakes. I couldn't find the birthday candles so I improvised with tea lights. 4 little tea lights. He didn't seem to care.

I took him to the doctor today. He weighs 50 pounds and is 42.5 inches tall. Which is 90th percentile for height and off the charts for weight. I knew he was big.


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