Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Kindergarten tease

I got two identical letters today. One was addressed to the parents of Connor, and the other addressed to the parents of Madison.

Larry opened them since I was totally kicking Connor's butt at Bowling on the Wii and couldn't possibly be bothered. The first one said Madison, grade 3, would be picked up for school by bus at this particular location at this particular time. Fine, expected. The second one said that Connor, grade K, would be picked up by bus at this particular location at this particular time.

I'm sorry... what? Connor, grade K. This is worthy of putting down the Wii-mote for a second.

I'll admit, at first I was a little excited. Could I send him to school this year? Full day school? Would anyone notice that he is only 4? Not to brag, but I think he could pull it off, both in size and smarts. I tried not to smile at the thought of my devious plan, cause inside I knew we could never get away with it. Or could we? Clearly, no one is checking IDs here.

But in the end it doesn't matter. Reality quickly set in and I know I can't send him this year. I'm not going to say anything quite yet though. I don't know how this magical mix-up occurred but I'm curious to see if he gets assigned a teacher. Maybe this was just a bus scheduling glitch. Time will tell.


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