Wednesday, May 26, 2010

First last day of preschool

Today was Connor's last day of preschool. Well, you know, except for all of next year. So not technically the last day. Today was Connor's first last day of preschool. There was a little ceremony in his class that was very cute and I have it all on video. He's so cute! I just wanted to bounce out of my tiny plastic chair and rush up on stage to give him a big hug. They sang a couple of songs and we watched a video montage of the pictures throughout the year. It was cute. Then we had snacks and played.

All the other boys in his class are going to kindergarten next year. So I'm really hoping that some 4 year old boys sign up over the summer. Cause, I mean, girls are nice and all... but they aren't boys.

My birthday was on Monday. 33. Really not a big deal and it just seemed silly that anyone would even mention it. (But thank you to everyone who did!) My theory on getting older is that once you are past 25 it's only a big deal if you are not where you think you should be by your given age. But I'm pretty much where I pictured myself at the ripe old age of 33, so having my birthday wasn't a big deal. Which is nice.

I woke up to hearing that my sister in law was at the hospital giving birth to my newest niece. So I waited all day to hear some news. When I finally got the call it was to say that they sent her home. So we will wait and see what happens.


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