Friday, May 14, 2010


Connor started Karate last night. So cute! It's for ages 4 and up so he is one of the smallest kids. Adorable. He was wearing his little Karate uniform, all barefoot and buzz cut. UG... he was melting my heart.

They were lined up and would do the move they were working on one at a time and then go to the back of the line. When Connor was done with his turn he would skip (literally) to the back of the line, then give me a thumbs up and blow me a kiss. haha... so manly.

But he LOVES it. He had a total blast. When we got home he had to reenact the whole lesson. In fact, the words "Why don't you hit me with your light saber!" actually came out of my mouth... voluntarily.

He also added some other stuff like holding hands and spinning around.
"Are you sure you did this in Karate?"
"I don't think you held hands and spun around like you're in a field of Daises on the first spring day."

But it's really cute and I think he's going to love it. Maddy was not pleased at all and was either crying or fighting back tears for the entire hour. It's simply so not fair that Connor gets to do Karate when all she gets to do is Girl Scouts and Art Class. But you know... can't have everything.


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