Monday, October 25, 2010


Forget everything I've said before... my kids are AWESOME! :)

We had parent teacher conferences last week and both kids are doing great. Maddy has straight As, which I knew, and has "Excellent" for everything in self management. Which is like listening, doing her work on time, being nice to the other kids, ect. They give them standardized tests to determine where they are for different subjects. For Reading she got a 4.5, which is the 5th month of grade 4. I wasn't surprised at this. I know she is a very strong reader. But what I was surprised at was that she got a 4.6 in Math. She tested in the 92nd percentile for math. For MATH!! Holy cow.

Connor did great too. It's "only" preschool so they don't really evaluate them the same, but his teacher said he is doing great. And he is doing great. Reading reading reading. Today we were waiting for something at MCC and he wanted to read some booklet about the school. So he picks it up and just starts reading it. So many words I totally wasn't expecting him to be able to read. Like "homework" and "school" and others that I can't think of right now.

Anyways, yeah. Proud Mommy.

I will also get my associates at the end of this semester. Wohoo. That's what we went to MCC for. To hand in my application for graduation. Which don't even get me started on that. I shouldn't have to apply. Dumb. They know what they require, and they know what I've taken. So how do they not know that I've graduated. Durrrrr.

Talk to you later...


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