Saturday, August 1, 2009

There goes the neighborhood... part two

So yesterday we talked about the drama with our next door neighbor... aka "the dish guy". Unfortunately, he is not even our least favorite neighbor. If you read this blog with any regularity then you already know that. If you don't read it regularly and you want to catch up on our actual least favorite neighbors, you can check out the following posts:

Here is when their pit bull was aggressive towards Larry
Here is when they hit Larry's car (allegedly)
Here is when they hit the van

And I didn't even write about things like when they were driving their 4 wheelers back and forth in front of our house. Or when they had an unsecured trailer (for said 4 wheelers) parked in front of our house for two months. Or how they knock over our trash cans. Or drive in our driveway and on our grass every single day.

We have dubbed them "the truck house" if we are talking about them in general, or "the truck guy" if we are talking about the driver of the white truck.

Ever since they hit the van we have been doing our best to block the parking spots across the street from our house so that the big truck can't park there. We do no feel comfortable with it parked across the street from our house since it isn't safe and already has cost us quite a bit of money and drama.

A normal person would understand this. But apparently "the truck house" doesn't. Because not only does the truck guy continue to park there every chance he gets, the other members of "the truck house" also park in such a way as to block the spaces. They even have "the dish guy" parking over there to block the spaces. Which totally cracks me up because I guess they are trying to keep us from parking over there. Which is funny because I don't WANT to park over there. I'm only doing it to keep the dangerous truck away from my house. They think they are being mean to us... but really they are just helping us. I pretend to be mad just so they will keep doing it.

But even with half the cul-de-sac trying to keep those spots blocked the white truck does manage to park there on occasion. Tuesday night at about 4:30 pm he managed to get a spot. But this time he left the truck running. He has a freezer in the back of the truck. I'm assuming he had stuff in the freezer that he was trying to keep frozen. I don't know that for fact, but it's the only thing that makes sense.

It was still sitting out there running at 9:45 when I was getting ready to go to bed. Now I want to make clear that it is not parked very far from my house at all. You might read "across the street" and think it's kinda far. It's not. I'm terrible at guessing distances but I would say it's about 30 feet from the front of my house to the back of the truck.

When I woke up in the morning it was still over there and running! I couldn't believe it. I can't believe he would leave his truck running in front of my house all night! Anyways, not surprisingly, I also had a killer headache. I almost called the cops right then, but I had to leave and I wanted to be around when they showed up so I decided to call when I got back.

I left and within 15 minutes my killer headache was completely gone. Coincidence?

When I got home the truck was gone. So I missed my chance to call the police. I did look up the law and you are only allowed to let your car idle for 5 minutes. Passenger buses are allowed to let the bus idle for 30 minutes to keep the air on for passenger comfort. That's it. So it is against the law to let your truck idle for 20 hours.

It also didn't go unnoticed that my headache returned within 15 minutes of being home. But luckily it wasn't as bad as it had been when the truck was actually parked there emitting noxious fumes directly towards my house.

So now that he has damaged both our vehicles (one documented, one allegedly) and caused me to suffer from carbon monoxide poisoning (allegedly) I'm really doing my best to stop that truck from parking there. We parked both our cars over there and blocked all three spaces with them. We left them there and took the truck when we went out.

When we came home and there was a note on Larry's car but it didn't say who is was from. So we go inside and watch the video (cause we have our cameras up now) to see who left the note. Turns out it was "the dish guy's" baby mama and "the truck guy's" son. They pulled up (together in the same car), saw our cars, and then "the truck guy's" son came and knocked on the door. We weren't home so obviously we didn't answer the door. Then "the dish guy's" baby mama came and did a little dance for the camera and gave it the middle finger. (Must be a family trait.) Then "the truck guy's" son walked over and put something on Larry's car.

Despite our best efforts the white truck is parked across the street from my house currently. Which greatly annoys me.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch