Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

Before I start telling you about our Christmas I have to tell you about our Christmas eve. It was typical, for the most part. We just hung around the house. After dinner we baked cookies for Santa and then snuggled in to watch a Christmas show we had DVR'd. (DVRd? DVRed? Recorded on our Digital Recording Device?) Anyways, we were sitting on the couch in the living room when we hear someone yelling out front. I figured it was the idiots next door or something. Larry got up and looked out the window. When he comes back he says "There are cops outside with assault rifles."

What!?! So of course I have to take a look. And sure enough, there are cops EVERYWHERE around our house. Like 10 cop cars and cops all over the place. Two cops were taking cover behind our van, one had an assault rifle drawn and he was the one who was yelling directions at someone I couldn't see. So I went upstairs to get a better look. By the time I got up there they had cuffed the guy and had him sitting on the electrical box in our side yard. His shirt was all torn off, it was a Tshirt and all that remained of it was the collar. Maybe one sleeve was left, I can't remember exactly.

When I get back downstairs Larry is on the phone with someone. I assume it to be his mom and I'm wondering if we are on the news. Is this the end of a high speed chase or something? But it turns out to be our neighbor from across the street calling to see if we are ok and if we know anything. We don't.

So, who in our neighborhood could have caused such a ruckus? Was it the idiots? Nope. Was it the dish guy? Nope. It was a perfectly nice family who has several perfectly nice boys, two of which come to our bus stop and never give me a lick of trouble. Weird. I can't wait to find out the story. I do know the cops have been over to their house several times before but I didn't think anything of it. I mean, I've had the cops at my house plenty recently and we aren't suspicious.

But anyways... with drama over we moved on with the business of Christmas. Last year I made a list of everything I got and I was surprised how long it was once it was all laid out. So I said I was going to do that every year from then on... so here we go, in no particular order.

The Body Bugg (Google it)
4 necklaces
Dexter seasons 2 and 3
The Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck
Would You Rather board game
Kitchen Radio
Homemade Ice Cream Maker
Desperate Housewives season 5
A little organizer set with to do lists and post it's and what-not
Big post its and pens
CD with Christmas songs
Costco Gift Card
Blue Ray Player (shared with Larry)

Pretty cool. What did you get?


Copyright 2009 Front Porch