Friday, February 12, 2010


Larry was putting Connor to bed the other day:

Connor: "My nose isn't running anymore. I don't have a cold anymore."
Larry: "I'm glad you feel better."
Connor: "You don't have to give me the pink."
Larry: "Oh yeah, you don't like the pink?"
Connor: "No. I think it makes me sleep!"

(Holy self-awareness batman!)

Connor, pulling out a packet of Mad Libs: "Do you want crunchy, hot, slimy, or umm... sparkly?"
(I thought that was so smart... they are all adjectives!)

Connor was wearing a new shirt.

Connor: "I spilled yogurt on my shirt!" and starts to cry.
Me: "No. No. It's ok, no big deal." I wipe it with a towel and it's fine.
Connor: "I just don't like it when I spill yogurt on my beautiful shirt."


Copyright 2009 Front Porch