Thursday, January 3, 2008

nighty night

Connor is sleeping with a blanket for the first time. Every day I get closer to putting him in a toddler bed and for some reason I feel like if your sleeping in a real bed then you should be able to use a blanket. I went in and checked on him and he still has it on. Of course he was wiped out and fell asleep immediately so he didn't really have time to roll around and get uncovered. Once he is in a big boy bed I am worried about weather or not he will stay in a bed. Why not get out and play with toys? My hope is that when he wakes up at the butt crack of dawn he will just play in his room for a while and let me sleep. What do you think the chances of that are? Slim, I'm sure.

Speaking of sleeping changes, we are tying to get Maddy to stop sucking her thumb. I read online that 99% of thumb suckers stop by age 5. This was not the case for Maddy. I always knew she was special! Now that she is getting her grown-up teeth I really feel like it is time to stop. I talked to my orthodontist and he agreed with me. I would like to note that he is one of the few people who agree with me on this issue. Anyways, we have been putting band-aids on her thumbs at night to remind her not to suck them. It's going ok. Not great, not terrible. Just ok. At this point we are rewarding her after 3 consecutive days of not sucking. We are going to get slushies. If she can make it to that goal, then I will move the reward to 5 days, then longer and longer. We'll see how it goes. First we need to make it to 3 days.


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