Sunday, January 20, 2008

But Mommy!

Maddy got a friendship bracelet making kit for Christmas. It’s really cool. I made two bracelets last night with it, and it took me 4 hours. It wasn’t my intention to spend so long doing it but first I had to measure out 32 strings and tie them together in two bundles. One for me and one for Maddy. Then get them set up in this wheel thing that keeps them all separated and organized. Maddy couldn’t really do it. I mean, she could, and she did for a while but then she got confused and bored. So after I finished mine I finished hers for her. Oh man, the tops of my shoulders were killing me by the end. Four hours hunched over this little foam wheel, moving strings around. Ouchies.

Maddy went to bed two hours early tonight. I let her go to the park with her friend (and her friend’s grandma) and she came home with quite the attitude. Arguing over every single thing I said. Finally, I told her if she argues again she is going to her room for the rest of the night. Larry told me later than in his head he gave her 15 minutes before she was in her room. She didn’t even make it that long. She argued with me over what season we can go swimming in. Yeah, that is why she got sent to her room. For insisting that we go swimming in the spring, rather than in the summer. lol. That seems like pretty harsh punishment, but there is only so much a person can take. And then came the crocodile tears and the apologies. Maddy is the embodiment of the saying “Your not sorry for doing it, you are sorry that you got caught.”


Copyright 2009 Front Porch