Thursday, January 24, 2008

I'll buy... or not

What’s worse than a boring physics teacher? A boring physics teacher that stutters. lol. We had a sub on Tuesday and oh my. T-T-T-T-Today, junior! I know that is insensitive… I’m just kidding around. It just got me thinking how torturous it would be to have a professor who had a bad stutter. Like it isn’t bad enough listening to them talk for hours upon hours. Honestly, he was a very nice guy and he barely stuttered at all. Plus, he let us out of class an hour early… so he is my new favorite professor.

I got a new phone! Which is awesome because even though I have two phones they both suck. The first one gets turned to vibrate or silent without me knowing it and it takes me 3 days to figure it out. Oh, and the battery lasts like half an hour. The second one is even worse. I can’t hear the person I’m talking to. Even in a perfectly quiet room. So that kinda puts a damper on the conversation.

So yeah, Lori was getting new service and a phone comes with that, but she already has a fancy phone that she likes and is way nicer than the free ones they give away, (which are more than enough phone for me). So she gave it to me. Yay! She had to pay tax on the phone, which was like $6.00, so I offered to buy her lunch since that was our next stop anyways. Well, we get to Barros and order, but when I go to pay I realize that I don’t have my wallet. Lol. Real nice Ashley! So Lori had to pay. Talk about being a loser. Um.. thanks for my new phone, and the pizza. Haha. I had put my wallet in my school bag so that I didn’t have to carry the diaper bag to school. Makes sense right? But I never put it back. Oh man, that sucked.

Oh yeah… I made Goulash the other night. It was pretty good. The recipe calls for a 14oz can of crushed tomatoes, but Wal-mart was out so I got a small can of tomato sauce instead. Next time I think I’m going to use a large can of tomato sauce and a large can of diced tomatoes, drained well. I don’t think some extra sauce and chunky tomatoes are going to kill it. But here it is…

ok, you know what... I don't have it, I typed it all out up apparently I didn't save it. darn. I don't have time to type it all right now.... Maddy just got home from school so I'll do it later. Maybe tomorrow.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch