Isn’t that a super cool picture. Larry found it. I love it.
So I figured it out and I think that two years ago on the 26th was my last day of work. Wow. That is a really long time to go without working. Crazy! And four years ago on the 24th was our first official date. That seems like forever ago. Soooo much stuff has happened in just four little years. It doesn’t even seem right.
The night Larry asked me out I started a kitchen fire. It’s true. We had been out with a bunch of people and I had Maddy with me so I left early. I went home and put Maddy to bed, started the oven to cook a frozen pizza, and got on the computer. So I’m sitting there waiting for the oven to heat up and out of the corner of my eye I see light coming from the kitchen. I look over there and I can see flames shooting up from the stove. Well, apparently I turned on one of the burners instead of the oven. There were some things sitting on top of the stove, like a bag of chips and a Tupperware container with rolls in it. The Tupperware had melted and then the rolls caught on fire. Which then caught the bag of chips on fire. It was fine, I was able to pick up the Tupperware and put it in the sink, same with the bag of chips. A piece of plastic fell off when I was moving it over to the sink and left a burn mark on the floor, but the complex didn’t even charge me for it. It was just more scary than anything. What was funny is that I was in bed when Lori came home with her friend. I wasn’t asleep but I was laying in bed and I hear…
“Looks like there was a fire!”
“Awww… and I wanted to have a sandwich.”
I was just laying there with my face buried in the pillow.
Tee hee! That's hilarious! I'm always worried something I leave on the stovetop will catch fire.
I did want a freakin sandwich too! LMAO. "Ashley, Lord of the flame!"
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