Monday, December 31, 2007

An average day for an average gal

7:00 am- Alarm goes off and I stumble, literally, to Maddy's room to wake her. I shake her a bit and say "time for school." Argue with her while I open the window to let some light in. I leave with one last warning that she needs to get up. I return to my room to attend to the business of waking up. By the time I go downstairs Maddy is dressed and unloading the dishwasher. I make the only sandwich she will eat, peanut butter and jelly, and pack her backpack. Argue with her a little more about buying lunch. My argument being that she doesn't need to BUY a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I can MAKE her one. Feed her breakfast and then marvel at how much time she can spend in the bathroom.

8:00 am- Get Maddy off to the bus stop and magically as soon as she is gone Connor wakes up. Go get him and then prepare round two of breakfast.

9:00 am - Get on the computer while Connor watches PBS kids. Agree that "yes, that is a very big truck!"

10:00 am- Go out and run errands. Basically kill as much time as possible. And "yes, that is a very big truck!"

11:30 - Come home and feed Connor lunch. Eat half his food in an effort to get him to eat one bite. Tell him that if he wanted to eat then he should have done that while he was sitting at the table.

Noon - Put Connor down for a nap. Put in the next disk of Seinfeld and get back on the computer. Maybe have some lunch myself.

2:30 if I'm lucky pm- Connor wakes up cranky and we snuggle on the couch with a sippy cup and watch Home Improvement.

3:00 pm - Larry comes home. Great excitement!

3:30 pm- Maddy comes home. More excitement!!! Unpack her backpack and discuss her day. Tell her what is for dinner and then threaten no dinner at all if she is going to complain about it.

4:00 pm - Start dinner. Try to get Maddy involved in the cooking since this has shown an improvement in her attitude in the past. She refuses.

5:00 pm- Eat dinner.

5:15 pm- Clean up dinner.

6:00 pm - Someone gets a bath.

7:00 pm- Put Connor to bed.

7:30 pm- Maddy starts getting ready for bed. Explain that yes, she has to clean up ALL the toys.

8:00 pm- Put Maddy to bed and then have some grown up time. This of course means getting out the good desserts and eating them in front of the TV.

9:30 pm- Go to bed.


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