Monday, January 21, 2008

Crash Boom Bang

I need to buy Maddy some clothes. I am so entirely sick of looking at her in clothes that don’t fit properly. When she sits down I’m not exaggerating when I say that there are four inches of skin showing. Everyone can see the first inch of her butt crack and then half way up her back. Seriously, I can’t take it anymore. Today she came down in a shirt that is too small. I didn’t notice it at first but she just sat down next to me on the couch and was facing away and there it was… half her back hanging out. GRRR. I told her to go change her shirt and to throw the shirt she was wearing away. She got all emotional about it. “Bye shirt! sniff sniff” But jeeze, she doesn’t even like that shirt. She hasn’t worn it in like a year.

Oh, she also informed me that she isn’t going to argue with me today. lol. Yeah right!

She takes her own showers now. She does it all by herself, which is so nice. It takes her an hour but whatever. She is so funny. The bathroom is right next to Connor’s room and I can hear her over his monitor. She sings and talks non stop. You would swear someone was up there with her. Also, at least once during the shower she slips and every toy, soap, and shampoo bottle come crashing down. It makes quite the ruckus. Today after she fell she was crying so I go running up there, hoping she wasn’t hurt. She wasn’t, but that didn’t stop her from crying for a half hour.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch