Something in my care actually bloomed! That’s a first. Well, other than my children of course. But kids are easy, they cry if you don’t feed them. Even as I write this I had to stop to make some chicken nuggets. I had a little blond boy at my feet saying “eat, eat”. It is then that I realized it was 40 minutes past dinner time. Oops. Where was I? Oh yeah, my orchid. I got it for free at this new grocery store near my house. They were giving away flowers, how cool is that? But anyways, this orchid had four flowers. And now it has five. There is another one that looks like it might bloom too. That is if I can remember to put it outside once in a while.
Maddy played outside today by herself. I guess she is old enough. The rules are: Stay in the cul-de-sac, watch for cars, and never ever go in anyone’s house under any circumstances. She wanted to go ask her friend a few houses over to come out and play. I was watching her from the window. I’m not exaggerating when I say it took her 20 minutes to work up the courage to knock on the door. She came back home three times for some moral support. We even practiced. Finally, she knocked and the little girl came out to play. Success!
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I'm on my annual diet. I will stay on this diet til March and lose 10 pounds. Then I will get frustrated and quit. I will then spend the rest of the year gaining and losing the same five pounds until the holidays. At which point I will totally give up and gain 10. Rinse and repeat.
Awww! That Maddy story is awesome! I remember trying to gather up the courage to go and knock and another kid's door to see if they wanted to play ... good story and congrats about your pretty flowers! I like the pic you added.
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