Old ladies are funny. Man oh man are there some serious bingo players in the world. This lady here was hard core. Notice that she has 750 dobbers and she is using an electronic bingo machine. lol. That made us all laugh. The fact that electronic bingo machines even exist is something else entirely. And I don’t think the troll manufactures would even have a market if it weren’t for the bingo playing blue hairs of the world. Old ladies are funny to me but I am not funny to them. The dirty looks we got! I guess we were being a little two chatty for them. There is no room for fun at Bingo! I feel like casinos are fun places. When I think of a casino I assume people are having fun there. But really if you look around it doesn’t seem like anyone is having any fun at all. No one is smiling, or really even talking to one another. They are just sitting there giving their money away. It’s odd.
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