Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap day

Today doesn’t exist. It’s true. It’s leap day! Just an extra day thrown in there to keep everything on track due to the less than perfect calendar that some king somewhere made up one day. If we didn’t have it the year would slowly rotate it’s seasons so that one day spring would be in October and Christmas would be in the summer, and then it would slowly right itself again.

I had a calendar when I was in second or third grade that for February had a list of whole bunch of things that a kid could do on leap day. It was a free day to do whatever you wanted. That would be very nice. It should be a holiday! You shouldn’t have responsibilities on leap day. It should just be a free day to do whatever you want. I mean, it doesn’t even exist for goodness sake!

So on that note, I will be spending the day taking Connor to the doctor and then probably to Target to fill a prescription or two. Fun! He had a fever yesterday and the day before, then last night he was up 10 times. So we made the midnight decision that he was going to the doctor today. That is always when I decide that, when I will do anything for sleep. That is the only time when the $20 co-pay seems totally worth it.

Leave me a comment and let me know how you spent your leap day.


Anonymous said...

I hope Connor is fine... I am spending my "extra day" with my flu&fever&stuffy nose&running nose&sneezing... How I wish it does not exist... :-(

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