Maddy had a half day today. I haven't seen her in a week so it was nice to be able to spend some alone time with her. Last Thursday she had art class after school, then I had school so I basically didn't see her. Then Friday she went to her dad's house and didn't come home til Monday night. Then yesterday I had school. So I really haven't seen her.

So for something fun to do we made Valentines day cookies. I know Valentines day has passed but I had bought some heart shaped cookie cutters and we never had a chance to use them. So this was the perfect opportunity. It was a total Donna Reed moment. Picture me wearing a perfect white apron over an evening gown. Pearls, high heels, and unlimited amounts of patience of course! No? Too much? Ok, how about a black apron that says "Natural Born Griller" with flames over a pair of cords and a tshirt. My hair in a wild bun and fuzzy slippers. And I'm hunched over the dough with cookie cutter trying to get a perfect heart while Maddy complains "Mommy, can I try one?" Better? Can you see it now?

Hey well, she did get to do some eventually. Once I remembered the reason we were making these cookies in the first place.
great week
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