Friday, February 15, 2008

Look ma!

Kids want your attention. At least my kids want my attention…. all the time. Because I don’t give them my attention all the time they have learned tricks to force my attention their way. Annoying tricks. Connor whines and Maddy hangs on me. I know I have taught them to perfect their tricks. They do ask nicely for my attention at first. But if I don’t comply then they do what works. Connor’s high pitched screech is the audio version of Maddy hanging from my arm, you can’t ignore it. You just can’t. It’s not humanly possible. And they know it.

Oh, but I’ve been so tired the last few days. I don’t know what the deal is. I have taken a nap with Connor for the past two days and I still can’t get caught up. And I hate napping with him. That is my quiet time. I need that time to have a complete thought. So when I use it to sleep I tend to be more irritable because I feel like I didn’t get a break.

Connor now knows all his letters. He is so cute, he points out letters as we drive. And he is soooo excited to see them. He's so funny.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch