Friday, February 8, 2008

I want to email you.

Do you see the new feature I added? You can now have my posts sent right to your email. How convenient! It seriously took me an hour and a half to add that. I'm not kidding. So hopefully someone finds it useful. Not that I don't love your hits.

I didn't have my test last night. I guess there was no power at school on Tuesday night. I wouldn't know cause I played hooky but that is what I heard. So because they didn't have class the test was canceled. Not postponed... canceled. Which I was actually kinda frustrated with cause I studied. But really, who cares. The professor now wants to scrap the whole syllabus and do the entire class in groups and hand in one group project at the end of the semester. I'm not a big fan of group projects and considering that the class is also a lab class that means that the whole class will be based on group projects. I don't know... I think at least part of it should be individual. Plus I like rules and structure, and I don't like change. The whole group project thing seems kinda open ended, and I don't think that a quarter of the way through the class we should be changing the whole structure. ya know? So we voted and he is going to tell us what is going on on Tuesday.

I went to Target today and seriously every single person in the store was a mom with kids. It was weird.


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