Goodness today was one of those days. I had two very minor errands to do. I had to mail something and then I was going to go to Wal-mart and pick up a few little things. First I got into the wrong lane and had to go straight when I wanted to turn right. No big deal, anyone who has ever driven with me knows this is a daily occurrence. So I drive around the block to get to the post office, but now I'm coming at it from the opposite side than I usually do and I thought it was closer than it was. So I got into the left turn/ center lane thingy waaaay early and had to go past 2 turn ins to other buildings before I finally got to it. I felt like a big loser. But I got there and mailed my letter.
Then I went to Wal-mart. I was very inefficient in both my driving to get there and my shopping but who cares, I wasn't in a rush. I also had one of those cart that made a noise every time the wheel went around so every where I go I'm making a "chunk chunk chunk" sound. But after three rambling trips around the store it was time to leave so I go to the self-check out and ring myself up. I get out to the car (of course I went out a different door than I came in so I had to walk a half mile to get to my car... "chunk chunk chunking" the whole way) and I realize that I don't have my stuff. I left it in the self check out stand. Crap! So I walk all the way back over there.... "chunk chunk chunk". By some miracle it's actually still sitting where I left it so I was able to just grab it and leave. I really thought there would be a least a small argument at the customer service desk.
Wa-mart didn't have one of the things I needed so I was going to go to Michaels. I pull out into the main street and I'm about to get on the freeway when I realize that there is a Michaels right next door to Wal-mart. ARG! But it's too late and I'm forced to get onto the freeway. I drive like two miles to the next exit, get off, turn around, and go back to Michaels. Connor is refusing to sit in a cart now so he is walking and of course what I need is in the far back corner. Well, we get it and get out to the car. I realize I don't have his cup. So back in to Michaels I go. I can't seem to leave a place today in one try. I retrace my steps and find his cup sitting on a shelf. So we leave... again.
I did eventually make it home.