Sunday, August 31, 2008

Black out

Larry left his phone home on accident and I almost called him to tell him. lol. That would have been pretty funny. It's like when the power goes out so you can't watch TV and you think... "oh that's ok I'll just watch a movie. Oh no, wait, that won't work. Well, maybe I'll play the Wii. Oh... nope, can't do that. I'll go online. haha... nope. I guess I'll just cook dinner then. Nope...wrong again."

And then you start going too far, thinking you can't drive the car because the power is out. Or can't use the phone. "Will the toilet flush?" It's amazing how dependent we are on our modern conveniences. My poor little brain can't function if everything isn't "plugged in".

Maddy gets all freaked out by storms and I really don't know why. She is terrified that the power is going to go out. I don't know why she cares. I remember as a kid being all excited about the power going out. It's still exciting, except now I do have the side note of worry about when it's going to come back on.

We had a huge storm the other night. Our backyard had a good flood going. We had a few inches licking at the back door. Larry keeps a pair of flip flops on the back porch and they floated away. lol. Not far, but they were out in the yard. On the news they have to show all the damage. People's roof's being blown off and stuff. That's the last thing I need Maddy to see. Gosh.


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