Monday, August 11, 2008

Dry nights ahead

A few weeks ago I talked about how Connor was waking up wet in the morning and how I was bummed that Huggies doesn't make overnight diapers in size 6. So I bought a big Costco size of regular Huggies in size 6 hoping that would hold him. It didn't.

First we tried to cut down on liquids an hour before bed. Which worked on the days we were able to do it, but it's really hard. How can you deny the kid water? I mean really. Plus if we had been outside at all after dinner it's just down right mean. Maybe even harmful. So it's really not a very good solution.

I finally had enough. He was waking early because he was wet. Sometimes even in the middle of the night. And, you know, I don't really like that. So Larry went on an online hunt. According to the Huggies website they do make a size 6 in the overnights. They listed about 6 stores that carried them. Toys R Us, Babies R Us, Albertsons, Osco, some other ones. Anyways, we look and find nothing. I can't find them. There were some people online who said their local Walmart carries them. But I've never seen them there. And Walmart is where I normally buy diapers. Anyways, one lady said that Pampers size 6 are bigger than Huggies size 6 and work well for the those babies who pee a lot at night. Which is apparently what we have.

Ok fine. Pampers it is then. So off to Walmart I go. And guess what I find? Yup! Huggies overnights size 6!! Yay! There was only one pack so I grabbed it up. So we are set for a month anyways.


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