Thursday, August 7, 2008

The first day of first grade.

"Hey sweetie! How was your first day of school?!"
"Horrible!" she said with tears in her eyes.
"What! Why?"
"We didn't do anything! We only read two books, had recess, went to P.E., and did two centers."
"Well, that seems like a lot."

We went over different versions of that conversation about 4 times during the night. I never could pin point exactly what the problem was. I can only make two assumptions. One being that there wasn't enough ceremony for her. I think anything less than a parade in her honor was going to be a disappointment. Secondly, that the day ended too quickly. She kept saying that she hopes today doesn't go so quick.

It's too bad that she had a perfectly fun and reasonable first day and yet she still comes home crying that it was horrible. grrr...

One thing that was frustrating her was that there is a boy in her class that she doesn't like. I guess he has some behavior problems and got in trouble a lot during class. And the teacher is an older no nonsense kind of teacher, so she spoke harshly to him and that bothered Maddy.

I kept telling her that this boy will learn the rules eventually, and that she can't judge first grade by the first day. That she needs to keep a positive attitude. But she cried and said she wants to go back to Kindergarten. :(


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