Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Your tween is showing

Hello hello! Ummm nothing really new to report. Pretty much status quo around here. I'm catching up on my school work so I may actually have a moment here soon. If I play my cards right I should have this whole weekend with no homework hanging over my head. I was going to say that that will be extra nice since we don't have Maddy this weekend... so it should make for a very relaxing weekend. But that boat has so sailed. It just doesn't matter anymore. Every weekend is chaos. Getting rid of a kid doesn't calm that beast when you have a potty training two year old in your bathroom. He has learned that "I have to go pee potty." are the most powerful words a toddler can utter.

So my soon-to-be-tween is starting to show. She's been just going right up to her room after school and not coming down til dinner. Uh oh. That's how it starts isn't it? I can't say I haven't been using this to my advantage. On those, very rare of course, occasions where she is just beyond herself with annoyance at her little brother, I might find some random thing lying around that needs to be brought up stairs right this very instant. "Sweetie? Could you bring this to your room, please?" Knowing full well that the draw of her Nintendo DS or endless supply of art supplies will be too hard to resist.


Kerrie said...

That's a clever way to keep the peace. My daughter is 14, she does spend a bit of time in her room which can be lovely when we all need a break from each other but I miss her too when she does.

Matilda has always been good at amusing herself though...I was a sole parent for almost 13 years and one of my jobs was at home. There were times when she just HAD to amuse has done her no harm at all, in fact quite the opposite, she is very resourceful and self-contained. It sounds like your Maddy is quite like that too.

Good luck with the potty learning...I remember the glorious feeling of freedom when we were able to go out without half a dozen pairs of spare knickers in my bag...!!!

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