Friday, August 22, 2008


The other day Connor wanted to wear his sunglasses. So in the spirit of togetherness I dug my sunglasses out from the bottom of my bag. They have been buried down there for gosh... months. Anyways, so I'm wearing them and every time I turn my head I smell a terrible smell. UG. My sunglasses stink! So I stick my face into my bag and OMG my bag smells like rotten milk. Which is too bad since I really like that bag. But obviously something is very wrong here. lol. Ever since then I can really smell it whenever I go out. So today I went shopping for a new one.

After my purse shopping excursion we went to Costco. We go there a lot. Anyways, the strawberries were really calling my name. Four pounds of huge beautiful strawberries for *only* $7. We got some lunch while we were there. I swear Connor can take longer to eat a piece of pizza than anyone in the world. We are sitting there and other families are coming, eating, and leaving and we are still sitting there. And he is eating. Pizza in hand, bite in mouth. He takes the smallest little bites. Can you bite off one molecule of pizza at time? If you can I think that's what he was doing. Eating his pizza molecule by molecule.

Anyways, so I'm sitting there waiting for him to finish and people watching. I notice like every third person who goes by has a pack of strawberries in their cart. So I guess I'm not alone there. I hear some lady behind me saying "You can't have a strawberry. No, Carter, we will have a strawberry later. No, sweetie, not now." And then a scream. I look over and there is Carter with a great big strawberry in hand and the cart is full of 4 lbs of loose berries. LOL. I guess Carter is going to have strawberry right now.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch