Friday, August 15, 2008


The night time diapers are working well. So yay for that. Remember how I had said that once school started me and Connor would start hard core potty training? Well, we started on Monday. It's been going very well. So well in fact I returned a pack of diapers and switched it for a pack of pull ups. I have that huge box of Huggies from Costco I bought for overnights that didn't work, so I think the 140 diapers we have left from that will probably get us through til the end.

The end! The end of diapers! Wow. I may never have to buy a pack of diapers again. *sniff* *grin* *sniff*

We have yet to have poop in the potty. That one really sneaks up on him. He tells me while he's going, not before. Yesterday and today he told me a fraction of a second before he went. So we're getting there, I guess. It will happen someday.

Maddy seems to be liking school a lot better lately. I've learned not to ask how her day was because she gives the standard "horrible!" response. But I ask her what she did and she goes on and on about fun stuff. So I think she is having a good time. I went to curriculum night last night. I went to Maddy's school and the teacher told us all about what they will be learning this year. It's amazing what they do with the kids. She gave us a list of 100 words to learn before Christmas. And a whole huge stack of addition problems to go through too. Also a form to fill out when we read a book. She is supposed to read 100 books by the end of the year. Which sounds like a lot, but it's really not. We read at least one book every night, so it should be no problem at all.


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