Tuesday, November 27, 2007

We had a visitor in the night...

the Tooth Fairy!!

Yup, Maddy lost that tooth!!

Remember how Maddy told us about her loose tooth while we were eating corn on the cob? Last night we were having it again and she says "look mom, its red." I look at her corn and it has some blood on it. I look in her mouth and sure enough, that tooth is missing. We look everywhere for it. I keep asking her if she swallowed it. All the while Larry is saying "its in the corn" but it doesn't really register to me what he is saying so I just keep looking. Finally I really hear him and I look in the corn. There it was, stuck between two kernels. I was surprised how teeny tiny it was. I was also surprised at how quickly it fell out. As a kid I remember having a loose tooth for what seemed like forever. I remember my mom teasing me cause it would literally be hanging by a string and I wouldn't pull it out. But none of that with Maddy. She is tougher than I was, she really is. She likes the drama but deep down she is pretty tough.

So the tooth fairy came last night and gave her a gold dollar coin.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch