Monday, November 19, 2007

But it's still night time!

Connor aquired the very lovely habit of waking up at who knows what time. EARLY. Before dawn. I just looked and it says "Begin civil twilight 6:36 a.m." So if I had to guess I would say he was up at about 5:45. Well before "civil twilight" as it is apparently called. He did this for a few days in a row and I was beat.

So on Sunday he woke up early and we played in his room, in the dark for a while. I also had to explain that "no, we can't go get the mail." and "no, we can't go bye bye. It's still night time!" Then we went downstairs and laid on the couch together. I refuse to turn on any lights or feed him until 7:00 am. I refuse! After breakfast he seemed tired so I put him back down. Before I climb back into bed I turned the baby monitor back on. I swear I did! Anyways, I fall asleep. I fell hard and fast. I woke up in the same position I laid down in. But here is the kicker. It was 11:40!! 11:40! I slept for 4 hours. And Larry had to come wake me up, who knows how long I would have slept. I was like, "I'm sorry. I didn't hear Connor wake up" And he says, "Well you turned the monitor off" ok, no I didn't. I admit it WAS off, but I don't know how it got like that. I KNOW I turned it on because I heard Connor fuss a little before he fell asleep. I honestly have no clue how it got turned off. Divine intervention I guess. The God of sleep came down and turned the monitor off for me. That is the only reasonable explanation I can give.


Copyright 2009 Front Porch