Thursday, November 1, 2007

Back to Urgent Care

My poor little guy. Connor was sooo sick yesterday. We ended up taking him to Urgent Care (yes, that means I've been there twice in two days. They are getting to know me there) after Trick or Treating was over. Not that he went Trick or Treating, but he just happened to get worse at about that time. His fever went from 102 to 104 in about an hour so I took him. They didn't do much, gave him some motrin and and prescription for antibiotics. The doc said that he has some fluids in his ears but it wasn't an ear infection yet. I think mostly he gave him the antibiotics because he didn't know what was wrong. Such a high fever for a little guy.

But again I got right in. There wasn't a soul in that place. Kinda strange that kids don't get sick on Halloween. Makes me think that a lot of kids show up there that aren't really so sick they need to be seen. Ya know, if the parents, and kids, have something else to focus on then maybe the sickness isn't so bad.

But Connor slept like a champ and only had a fever of 99.something this morning. He only woke up once during the night and that was to ask for his bear. He sleeps with 3 bears and I only gave him 2 when I put him down in case he threw up during the night he would still have a clean bear. Well, at about 2am Connor figured it out and just kept saying "Rock" "Rock" over and over until I put Rocky in his crib with him. awwww.


Anonymous said...

I am not sure if this is going to work but I saw your testing one worked... ^^
Poor Connor... I hope he does not need the antibiotics. I mean, if his ears are fine then he does not need it anyway.
ok... we will see if the comment thing will work this time.

Anonymous said...

Oh great.... it works!! it is me...Carol. ^^

Anonymous said...

So, how much is the doctor charging for these visits? Do you have insurance? Just curious - part of my "what is wrong with US medical care" questions". Hope the kids are feeling better.

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