Monday, November 26, 2007

I'm an accidental shoplifter

I went grocery shopping today. I get into the checkout line behind a guy who is buying nothing but beer and in front of him is an old lady doing her weekly shopping. Now, I have three options when it comes to unloading my groceries.
1. Let Connor do acrobatics on top of the shopping cart.
2. Strap him in and let him scream.
3. Let him get down.

Today I let him get down. "What were you thinking?" you ask. I was thinking that maybe he would be good. hahahaha. So I'm unloading my groceries and Connor is pushing the cart into the main aisle. I get him to stop doing that and then starts to help me by taking things off the shelf and putting them on the belt. Things I don't want, like a light up Finding Nemo pen and a deck of cards. When the old lady up ahead hands me a pack of batteries that Connor had snuck into her order I decide he needs to go back in the cart. I put him back in the seat but now the seatbelt is all twisted and stuck so I just leave it. He is standing up on the seat and sitting on the very edge scaring the crap out of me. Needless to say... I was a little distracted. Finally, I pay and leave.

When I get out to the car I realize that I have a potato that I forgot to pay for. It never made it out of the cart when I was unloading. This is not new. Usually I forget to pay for the 24 pack of water that is on the bottom of the cart. So I guess one lone potato is an improvement.
Copyright 2009 Front Porch