Monday, March 31, 2008

Small Successes

So we got Connor on the potty again. He was being his insane indecisive two year old self, going back and forth between wanting to sit on the potty and being traumatized by it. So finally we just put him on it against his will and the moment his booty touched the plastic he was fine. Larry sat in the bathroom reading to him and I went into the living room. After about 20 minutes they both come running in all excited. Connor peed! Well, no actual pee came out but it almost did. Larry said he was just sitting there and all of a sudden he got a big surprised look on his face. We are pretty sure something happened down there. Either way we made a big deal about it. I’ve seriously never seen Connor so proud. Larry called him a “big potty boy” and his face just lit up and he said “yeah!”. It was adorable. I think once Connor decides that he wants to be potty trained it will happen really fast. Hopefully that happens sooner rather than later.

I don’t know what my problem is with not posting the new recipe. Last week's recipe was Apple Streusel Muffins. They were very easy and yummy. I’ve made them again already. They are the perfect use for that last apple that no one is going to eat. Which is really my goal for learning how to cook. I want to be digging through the pantry and find a can creamed corn that everyone forgot about and say "Oh, I'll just make blahbbity blah with it". I will consider myself a good cook when I can just whip something together from pantry remnants.


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