Thursday, March 27, 2008

You might live with a two year old

You might live with a two year old...

If you have ever screamed at the sight of something being flushed down the toilet… you might live with a two year old.

If you consider graham crackers a healthy lunch… you might live with a two year old.

If you know the full morning line up on PBS, Nick Jr., Disney, and Noggin… you might live with a two year old.

If you have ever wiped someone’s nose against their will… you might live with a two year old.

If you have ever found your keys in the bottom of the toy box… you might live with a two year old.

If you have ever had your wallet drenched in milk… you might live with a two year old.

If you have ever said “It’s ok, it’s only pee”… you might live with a two year old.

If you are a master of reverse psychology… you might live with a two year old.

If the nicest restaurant you eat in has a play area… you might live with a two year old.

If you use the word ‘potty’… you might have a two year old.

If you have ever asked your husband if he wants to go ‘night night’… you might live with a two year old.

If you start putting your shoes on 20 minutes before you actually have to leave the house… you might live with a two year old.

If you have ever found a cup of milk by following the smell… you might live with a two year old.

If you have ever sniffed someone’s butt… you might live with a two year old.

If you have ever found cheerios in the couch cushions… you might live with a two year old.

I could go on and on. Please add your own!


Clogged Belly, Clogged Mind said...

You could also finish many of those sentenses with, "You might have lived with my ex." LOL.

Copyright 2009 Front Porch