Sunday, March 16, 2008


It has been so unbelievably gorgeous the past few weeks. We have been able to have all the windows open every day and we have been playing outside a lot. Which is so nice. Last Thursday we were outside for like 4 hours. It was great. When Connor wakes up from his nap we go out into the front and lay on a blanket under the tree and wait for Larry to come home. Which sometimes we are out there for like an hour, but it's fun. I don't get bored. Connor walks around and finds interesting and disgusting things to play with and I just lay there and look at the brand new leaves against a perfectly blue sky.

Maddy is on spring break this week coming up. I'm kinda dreading it. No alone time, not even naps. I don't know how I'm going to get through it. I'm sure it won't be as bad as I'm imagining. It will probably go really fast. Maybe it will even be fun.

I don't consider myself as having allergies but yesterday I was miserable. I took some allergy medicine but, much like my epidural, it only worked on the right side. The left side of my face kept right on leaking. I had to take my contacts out and wear my glasses. Connor has never really seen me in my glasses and he kept thinking they were a camera. He thought I was taking his picture. haha. He is such a crack up!


Copyright 2009 Front Porch