Monday, March 17, 2008


We had a lack of communication this morning. We do this quite a bit. Larry took the day off today because he had some errands to run. I was going grocery shopping and some other stuff. We had talked last night before bed that we both wanted to get going as early as possible and that it would be best if we all left the house at the same time.

Fast forward to this morning and both of us are just milling around not leaving. I'm on my computer wondering why he isn't leaving, and he is on his computer wondering why I'm not leaving. Finally after almost an hour of this I realize what is going on.

"Are you waiting for me to leave?" I ask.
"Well, I'm waiting for you to leave."

So we wasted an hour this morning just because of a silly lack of communication.

Speaking of miscommunication. Last night I said "I way over ate today" but Larry heard "I weigh over eight today". He couldn't figure out what I was talking about. I thought that was pretty funny.


Anonymous said...

Oh my god. I weigh over eight today too. LOL. Let's hang out with the kiddos this week!

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