What is it about school that drains your desire to learn?
start out every semester with such enthusiasm.
I do all the reading, pay attention during class, I take good notes, I care. But then by mid-terms I’m calculating the minimum amount of work that is required for me to get my desired grade.
By finals I've even redetermined what my desired grade is. It’s sad.
I’ve heard “education is not the filling of a bucket, but he the lighting of a fire.”
However, I come pre-lit, and they throw a bucket of cold water on my flames.
Not all at once, but drip by drip.
Assignment by boring assignment, they put out each and every flame until all that is left are cold wet ashes.
I took Connor to get his pictures taken today. I had quite the internal debate about whether or not I was going to take him. But in the end guilt won over and we went. He did such a good job. He was very excited to get his pictures taken. Slow to warm up as always, but once he got comfortable with the photographer he did really well. He even let her pose him and stuff. I took his bear, C.B., with us so he could get some pictures taken too. They came out cute.
Picture by scui3asteveo.
I hope you give me a picture or two of him!!! :D I want to see them!!!
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