Tuesday, March 18, 2008


What is so upsetting about Mommy being on the phone? I know this is a universal issue. But seriously, what is the problem here? Is it because they know you aren’t paying a lick of attention to them? Is it because they know they can’t get in trouble? Are they jealous? Maybe its all three.

I had to call the cable company today and the moment the phone touched my ear Connor started flipping out. I was in the kitchen and he was fussing, so I try to walk into the living room so that I could hear the guy on the other end and Connor starts full on crying. So I go back into the kitchen and beg Connor to be quiet. I try all the tricks. I move a chair up to the light switch so he can play with that. I gave him my cell phone so he could pretend he was on the phone too. I sat on the floor with him. Anything and everything to try to get this phone call done in peace.

And the customer service person never really cares. They just keep right on talking even though I know they can hear him screaming. I only caught every other word but think it was enough. I’m pretty sure I got done what I needed to get done.

Then Connor is just fine the moment I hang up.


Unbalanced Libra said...

I have THREE kids that do that, so I go outside, LOL
I can still see what they're up to from the back porch and I have some quiet! Well, as quiet as outside can be, which is MUCH better than being inside!

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