Monday, March 24, 2008

100 posts!

This is my 100th post! I'm so excited. Our Easter was pretty boring. Connor was excruciatingly cute while looking for Easter Eggs. He really got into it. But in honor of my 100th post I give to you...

A letter to my body:

Dear Body,

First and foremost I want to say thank you. Your service over the past 30 years has been much appreciated. Thanks for everything you do to keep me alive and healthy. The digestion, blood flow, and breathing are all very helpful. I know there are thousands more functions you perform everyday of which I’m not even aware. Thank you for those. Mostly, thank you for keeping my babies safe while they grew from microscopic cells into chunky, kissable babies. I know it was wildly uncomfortable and lots of hard work. I understand that you were tired and overworked so I forgive you for the stretch marks. But the sagging boobs, was that really necessary? I think you did that just out of spite.

I’m sorry that I don’t always respect you like I should. I eat things I shouldn’t. I don’t wear sunscreen as much you would like. I don’t exercise nearly enough. I know… and I’m sorry. I am trying to do better.

I also have some requests. Could you please do something about the dark circles under the eyes? I’ve also noticed a few gray hairs, please make sure this doesn’t continue. Also I need you to let go of the extra fat that has been hanging around. I ate that food a long time ago. Get over it already. We will both be better off.

Love, Soul


Clogged Belly, Clogged Mind said...

You crack me up. Everyday. Seriously. I love you sister.

Copyright 2009 Front Porch