Thursday, March 13, 2008

Connor's two year check up.

So I took Connor to the doctor today. He needed his two year check up and his very last shot until he's five. The poor thing hates the doctor but he loves to go "bye bye" so it was really sad. He woke up in a wonderful mood and I asked him if he wanted to go "bye bye" and he was so excited. Then we walk in to the "little room" and he starts bawling. I felt so bad. He was crying and saying "ears, ears", because the only time we ever go is when he has an ear infection. But he calmed down and was actually good during the exam. Then I had to lay him on the table and he knew what was coming. He started doing the silent breathless cry. But he recovered quick enough.

So one funny thing. My doctor just moved to a brand new building they just built. Last month was the first time I had ever been there. It's not really clear where the door is because the whole front of the building is just panes of glass. So I go walking up and there is a door that says "Patient Entrance" on it so I go in. Inside it's all still construction looking, like unpainted drywall and stuff. So I'm kinda wandering around not sure where to go and I ask some lady "Where do you check in?" and she says "Did you come in that door?" and I'm like "It says Patient Entrance on it." So whatever, I find my way and everything is fine. Then I leave out the same door, but when I get outside I look and it says "Patient Entrance" with an arrow pointing to another door. Then I get there today and I noticed the sign on that door now says "NOT a Patient Entrance." haha. I guess I wasn't the only one.

Oh, but Connor is the 75th percentile for both height and weight. Pretty good.


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