Thursday, March 6, 2008

Picture this

Here are some more awesome pictures that Maddy drew in art class. Aren't they cute? I love that she colored the face red. Really adds to the intensity of the yelling. I doubt she did that on purpose but still...

So Connor was a sleeping fool yesterday. He slept til 9:00 and then took a three hour nap in the afternoon. How nice! Hopefully he is back on track now. This ear infection was a real bugger. He has been on the meds for almost a week now and just yesterday was the first day when it seemed like we had our Connor back.

He is so fascinated with letters, I know I've mentioned this like a dozen times but now he is focused on learning the lower case letter and the sounds they make. He knows the sound "K" makes and knows lower case "i" and "g" at least. He is going to teach himself how to read by the age of 3, I swear. I would like to state that I do nothing to teach him any of this. I encourage him by telling him he is doing a good job and when he brings it up I ask questions to see what he knows but I don't make an effort to "teach" him. It is totally "Connor led".

So I'm still getting up at 6:00. It is making the day go a bit smoother, but I don't know... I'm really tired. I'm not sure if it's worth it yet.


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