Monday, March 10, 2008

What exactly is "the business".

We had a small set back on the thumb sucking front. When I picked Maddy up from her dad's house Lexi told me she checked on Maddy during the night and she was sucking again. Darn it! I had just asked her how she was doing with it too. And she said she was doing good, of course. So we are back to putting the yucky nail polish on her nails.

She came home from Shaun's house just beat. I could tell the moment I walked in the door to pick her up cause she was sitting on the floor wearing nothing but a pair of underwear and bawling her eyes out. And it was the high pitched whiny cry that means she is overtired. I didn't even have to ask if they gone to the zoo like they planned. I already knew. I guess they also went to grandma's house and went swimming, which explained the nakedness.

Then today at Wal-mart some old lady was right in Connor's face asking him questions, which just makes him uncomfortable. But she said he was cute and looked like he was "full of the business". That made me laugh. He is "full of the business", that's for sure.


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