Thursday, May 8, 2008

T'was the day the Wii was due to arrive

T’was the day the Wii was due to arrive,
I didn’t know how I was supposed to survive.

The Wiimotes were hung by the TV with care,
In hopes that UPS would soon be there.

I peeked through the blinds, “When will it be here?” I said,
While visions of Mario Kart danced in my head.

I had given up hope, “It’s not coming today.”
I sat down with the kids and started to play.

When out in the street there arose such a clatter.
I sprang from the couch to see what was the matter.

Away to the door I flew like a flash
I stumbled on the front porch and made a big crash.

The sun was so bright I could hardly see
I shielded my eyes and was so filled with glee.

Then what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a big brown truck, it was getting so near.

With a little old driver, dressed in all brown,
I knew in a moment he’d been all over town.

The truck shone in the sunlight as it pulled to a stop,
The driver grabbed a big box, from right there on the top.

“Here is your box.” He said with a smile.
“Thanks” I replied, “I’ve been waiting awhile”.

His eyes were quite blood shot, his wrinkles were deep,
The tattoo on his calf kinda gave me the creeps.

He gave a small sigh and climbed into his truck.
I could tell from his face he’d had some bad luck.

But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,
“May you kick Larry’s butt at Mario Kart tonight!”


Anonymous said...

So cute!!! I hope you kicked butt at Mario Kart too! :)

Jess NBP said...

LOL hope kicked butt.

Anonymous said...

how odd we both felt the same back when I was still looking in the window on who's that the dogs are barking on...

to my surprise, 'twas not the DSL installers but my father in law...hahahaha.

Copyright 2009 Front Porch