Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Connor's ears

Connor loves music. He really really loves it. A lot. And he has opinions too. If a song comes on he doesn't like he will let you know. And if you change the station while a song he does like is on, he will also let you know. Which kinda stinks because sometimes we don't have the same taste and I'm forced to either listen to a song I don't like, or I'm unable to hear a song I do like over the screaming of "NO MUSIC!" from the back of the van.

He also knows which song it is by like the second note and he will sing a line from it. Or if he heard the song in a movie he will point it out right away, like that song "Life is a highway" is in the movie Cars, as soon as it starts to play he yells "Lightening McQueen!"

His favorite show is Little Einsteins, I think because it has lots of music in it. Classical music particularly. So today he was getting really pissed off by the songs that were on the radio. I couldn't find a song he was willing to listen to, so I thought I would try some classical music. He did like it. He wouldn't let me change it, so I guess he was liking it. He thinks it's all Christmas music though. lol. He calls it "Deedah", which is Connor for "Santa". I think he likes it cause it's very layered. Lots going on. And I don't think he really cares about listening to the words in a song. So classical music it is!

He has very sensitive hearing, which is why I think he likes music so much. When I was cleaning for Marie she noticed his love for sounds he likes and distaste (to put it lightly) for sounds he doesn't like. She mentioned that maybe his sensitive ears and chronic ear infections are somehow related. I really had never thought of that before. Maybe his inner ear is shaped in such a way that makes his hearing extra good but also leads to more infections. I have no idea if that's the case, but it's interesting.

When Connor was a little tiny baby it was extra hard to get him to sleep because of his sensitive ears. I tried several things to block outside noises. One thing I tried was putting a radio on in his room. I put it on a classical station, which didn't bother him but then when DJ would come on, with his low toned, smooth, almost whispering voice he would wake up like jolt screaming. Finally I just got a really loud fan and that works wonders. But imagine if he had listened to classical music while he slept for the past 2 years. He would be playing Mozart on his Playskool xylophone by now.


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