Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A moment of panic

Most mornings Connor and I stand at the door and send Maddy off to school. We give kisses and hugs and then watch til she is across the street. Then Connor closes the door and locks the deadbolt. Such a big clever boy that he knows how to lock the door himself. It's a very proud moment for him.

Well, I went grocery shopping yesterday. When I was bringing in the groceries, I would say I had about three trips worth. (Can you see where this is going?) Anyways, first I load all the groceries onto the front porch. Then from the porch onto the coffee table. Then from there into the kitchen. I do this so that I can keep a better eye on Connor. I don't want to leave him unattended while the front door is wide open. Anyways, so I had all the groceries on the porch and I was bringing them into the living room. I brought in one trip and went out to grab some more and Connor closed the door behind me. No! No! No! OMG!

He didn't lock it though. phew! I then took my keys off the coffee table and put them in my pocket.


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