Right now we have a cooler filled with ice sitting on the kitchen floor. Inside are some things I hope I was able to save. I still have to move everything out of the freezer into the deep freeze and then empty out the fridge into the trash. Fun fun. Can you see that I'm not procrastinating on that task even one little bit?
I will say that if your fridge is going to fall apart, Memorial day weekend is a good time for it to happen. We saved about $200 on the new one because they were having a sale. That never seems to happen, that you are desperate to buy something and it is actually on sale. Amazing. The fridge gods were looking out for us. We bought this one. Pretty much like the one we already have except it's quite a bit bigger. Which is nice. Right now getting stuff in and out of there is like doing a puzzle. Take out the milk, slide the juice over, grab the jelly, move juice back, put milk back. Make sandwich. Take the milk out, move the juice over, put jelly back, move the juice over, put milk back. And heaven forbid if we have leftovers. Then it's like the the leaning tower of Tupperware in there.
And the new one has the door compartments that are big enough for a gallon of milk. How much am I going to love that? There was one that had a little door in the fridge and you could grab the milk without even having to open the whole door. OMG that would be so cool. And I really love the ones with the freezer on the bottom with the french doors on top. So nice! But at the end of the day I have a hard time spending extra for these features when the fridge itself does the exact same thing. The food in my $900 fridge will be just as cold as it would be in a $2,400 fridge. Of course it would also be just as cold in the $400 fridge, but lets not go there.
Nice Fridge! Growing up we had one of those fridges with a shelf you could access from the outside...it was always full of soda and awesome! But yeah, prob not the best use of money these days.
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